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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Seeing how TK released a swiss Hunter and those Hunters were Maverick capable, it came with a different cockpit?? The B Mavericks were optical so a TV screen is required IIRC.
  2. The Vietnam firebase and airfield were never released right?
  3. In 1980 North Vietnam neither South Vietnam existed anymore, both countries merged in Vietnam already in 1976 (well, the north conquered the south and reunificated Vietnam), so sorry but the story is not a realistic one.
  4. Man, I'm really looking forward to this little one!!
  5. Thanks guys! I'm enjoying great dogfights this days!!
  6. Getting back to parking spot after banging two Huns over North Vietnam. For the experts, anyone know how to unlink bomb bay and canopy open controls?
  7. img00019

    From the album Stratos

  8. Is just amazing!! Very well done mate!!
  9. I agree with Sundowner, tress make everything look different, they really make a airbase shine with his own light. They are sure a nightmare to place too.
  10. Roundel at the tail for me. No doubt about it.
  11. Thanks for the info Ghost.
  12. Great!! Will download this evening.
  13. And is your one Maverick capable with updated cockpit??
  14. Not at home, will I get a cockpit with TV screen? Should I??
  15. I'm amazed of what you're doing with this plane. Will the 128 be updated too?
  16. Great AAR! Looking forward for more! Hope you can visit WW3 one day. You should carry more fuel and less weapons!!
  17. Excellent job mate! Tactical aviation is always fun!
  18. [Fictional] Hawker Hunter FGA.9B

    Really cool one Spinners! Thanks for your efforts, as a what if fan I love your developments.
  19. I have been reading a lot about Colombian air ops against the FARC, and also some of the "drug planes" intercepts the Central Maerican countries do in their COIn airplanes, and I have been searching the best way to fight a COIN style war In SF, what maps, planes and objects we can use, etc. At the moment I have been using the armed twin of this beauty: Is a real fun challenge flying this thing into a combat area, even If a COIN one. I will love to fly this one in the future, I think is more a combat plane with more power available: Baffmesiter made some trials with bellynlandings, and this two can be a cool candidate for such threatment. For small countries, the use of advanced armed trainers can be a cool and fun addition to the SF2 world. Planes like the Yak-130: Or the Hawk 128: Are fun to use against similar planes. But what about maps and ground targets? Is there any way to have narco runways and narco planes? Do we have any map we can use for that kind of warfare? The addition of some guys with DShK AAA MG would be great, and a cool threat for this planes, sometimes a ZSU-23 is too much. And about narco runways, will be amazing If someone can design a short dirt runway for those narco planes. Just trowing some ideas and experiences. Thanks.
  20. Thanks for your efforts mate!!
  21. Cool AAR BeachAV8R, thanks for taking the time of creating and sharing it. If only TK release the source code with us...

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