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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Then I was flying a SPS-K! Thanks for the clarification!! Pretty interesting. Is possible to adapt it for the Fishbeds? Even If eyecandy only, will be a cool adition. After all we can't burn the brakes or get a flat tire in SF2.
  2. That sounds pretty interesting. Can someone confirm please??
  3. Thats what I imagined! Looks pretty cool mate! Possible to add more trees?
  4. Thats what I wanted to know. But is used in all the landings or only when runway is short or with rain/snow? I know. The 3d model is needed for that IIRC
  5. Will this one be officially uploaded?
  6. Rends new mod: Illuminated by fire: Back home.
  7. img00005

    From the album Stratos

  8. img00006

    From the album Stratos

  9. Wow!! Those Hawks look simply amazing mate!
  10. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    Our toughts are with you and your family. Hope it ends soon so no one suffers more than now.
  11. What about the Soko G2 Galeb for the insurgents? That and the An-2 Colt can be a nice addition. And If we need something more advanced the G4 Super Galeb can be used too.
  12. I like both of them, and I'm sure we will be able to use both. I'm not at home so can't try it, but Green Hell 3 from Stary should work without problems with Pfunk achipelago terrain right? Maybe you can adapt ground texture to Green Hell?
  13. And is possible to have it as a target area set with a working airfield selectable (AI should be able to use it too) for single missions/campaigns? Adding trees and concealed targets (HQ tents, trucks, ammo caches, AAA, storage bunkers...) as you started to do and making the layout texture blend with the terrain will give us a amazing COIN target envinroment. As I posted in the pics, trees everywhere, and under trees the targets. Placing this into jungle tiles will give a sa nice target, destroying it can be a great fun. Anyone know If we have MG as AAA? I need to search in the WW2 area, maybe I can found something. P.S. Any idea for a insurgent airplane?? Should be easy to mantain and capable of landing on a dime. I think I can use the Antonov 2 Colt as a light bomber/transport. Any idea for a make up fighter?
  14. Imagen1

    From the album Stratos

  15. Su-25 Paran Air Force

    With all the new Dhimari planes we needed this one!! Well done mate and thanks a lot!!
  16. Ok guys, I'm getting involved more and more into this: Torno, what terrain is that? krfrge, that runway is capable of take off and landings? Are you planning to keep developing it? Dtmdragon, I think that Cessna is from Capun sites. Macelena and EricJ: I think we can sort out that If we can get Snoopy back somehow, and with mission editor getting mixed infantry attacks. claw: I will take a look to this and Panama theatres. Anyone have ideas for COIN style targets? Irregular campsites, ammo caches, convoys...
  17. Hill starts transition from F-16s

    Thanks for sharing this aviation news!
  18. Air Conflicts Vietnam, any good?

    Seeing how the game is cheap now on Steam, I will like to know If anyone tried and If is any good. I know is arcade game, but I saw that there's no unlimited ammo, and there are tons of choppers and planes to control so maybe is fun for some shooter fast action. BTW, there are Cockpit cameras? Thanks!
  19. Air Conflicts Vietnam, any good?

    Thanks for the info guys.
  20. Can I ask how many variants that represent?
  21. A lot of what if ideas for the moders

    MAKO have a link for those profiles??
  22. H-6 Badgers bomb river

    Any idea os the weight of those bombs?

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