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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Only ONE Viper? Always tought military jets operate in pairs at least. As Nesher says, good it ended well.
  2. Pretty colorful! And the four blade prop make it look more sexy than ever!
  3. Can I ask what's that terrain/tileset? Will you release the Hawk 100 soon? Mandatory screenshot!
  4. img00001

    From the album Stratos

  5. Taranis first flight footage

    If I understood correctly this is UAV controlled by a ground based human. But the X-47 is a "free" capable unmaned vahicle that will fly the mission on their own.
  6. Military names as for example F-16 are not copyrighted I think. Right?
  7. I think a B or a D would have look more plausible. But the skin job you did is just great!
  8. Who will be the enemies? Lybian Air Force plus Soviet Navy units?
  9. img00004

    From the album Stratos

  10. Looks amazing guys! Really looking forward to this mod!!
  11. HAL Tejas

    Yeah! Looks like a very cool plane. Strange we don't have one yet.
  12. With Russia more or less out of the big league, I can't see why to but so many advanced stealth jets. But try to explain that to the USAF.
  13. Who? China? Russia? Or they are building new planes in response to the F-22?
  14. Wondering If we have any frigate sized ship capable of hosting a helo loanding. I tried with a TW ship but the chopper went trough the deck as you can see on the pic. Also, do we have any kind of "supply" weapon? So we can practice Vertrep? Thanks.
  15. That can be te reason that make the pilots look so small.
  16. Chekc this!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC2XIGMI2kM#t=0
  17. img00027

    From the album Stratos


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