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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I'm playing a bit with modern birds, and will like to ask about the SF2 FLIR, as I understand it now, is simply a camera that points a certain direction and shows the results into players cockpit. Is that it? We can't move it where it points or zoom the image, and we can't slave it to ground targets. It works that way or I'm doing something wrong? Thanks.
  2. I support this idea!! But which plane we need? I'm more into realism features, refueling, FLIR, slewable radar cursors, NVG... But will support even If is a plane I don't like.
  3. IIRC that post was locked because some fights against DCS, not the Hex editor thing, someone can correct me If I'm wrong. I still feel we should go that way, in order to improve the game,
  4. I tired it and works great. But is there any way to have something like this? I mean follow a Air and/or ground target until impact time.
  5. Seems that adding the 3d model into game is not that hard. Problem is the FM and avionics.
  6. Seems the russians are getting confident on their old tricks again. What surprises me is no dedicated naval search plane for the UK? http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/defence/portsmouth-based-warship-sent-to-shadow-russian-ship-off-scotland-1-5787359
  7. A Corsair with After Burner capable engine and A/A radar?
  8. [Video] Dutch Marines storm a hijacked vessel

    Great video! Do you have the story of the assault? You know name of ships, hijack story...
  9. Good one :D Now as a punishment you have to create a real Super Tucano from scratch ;)
  10. Thanks guys! Will try it ASAP
  11. Golan Heights: North Israel: Mount Hermon: And The Bekaa valley:
  12. Screen 140106 155533

    From the album Stratos

  13. Screen 140106 155528

    From the album Stratos

  14. Screen 140106 155518

    From the album Stratos

  15. Screen 140106 155515

    From the album Stratos

  16. SF level for cockpits graphics and FM are not enough? I will be more than happy with that if we can usenew avionics.
  17. Do you think that SFM ( Flaming Cliffs level) is that hard? Or anyone want to fly in AFM?? Te same goes for the avionics, I don't care for clickable cockpits. But I will love to fly more planes in DCS.
  18. I will love the Ka-25/27 searching for dubs treatening the Kiev battlegroup!
  19. MMMh a pure transport version with no hardpoints?
  20. The Bison update is expensive? I think it gives a very nice lift to the Fishbed!
  21. I made that exact suggestion some months ago. Even without the source code there are things that can be changed/enhanced using a hex editor. But do we have someone that work on it? Can we paysome money here in order to hire a guy that can do it?
  22. Wondering If someone can post several pics of the SE 5A, is one of my favoutirtes planes and will like to see how it looks in WOFF. At the same time a question, the pilot can change the ammo drum in flight? And If yes is the operation visible? Thanks.
  23. And how I can do that?
  24. New nav systems it seems. Wondering what are the capabilities of this birds right now, both in weapons and systems.
  25. Stary love that new terrain! As I love two seaters!

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