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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Found it in one of my old HD's! Thanks.
  2. I like it too!! Pretty well done mate!
  3. Deviant Art , French Navy

    Cool! But what's the meaning of the mouses? BTW at first I tought it was some kind of navalized Mirage F.1
  4. WOFF is now available!

    I will try to get OFF, but simply not now, maybe when the economy gets better. I have OFF Phase 2 and Hat in the Ring, this one simply came at the wrong time for me.
  5. WOFF is now available!

    The price is OK and Step at the same time guys, no one says it doesn't worth it BUT the price is still 60$, and it can be a good amount of money for a lot of people including me. And don't talk about PS3, XBOX games I stopped buying console games long ago cause the stupidly high prices.
  6. WOFF is now available!

    Will wait to see some reviews and that you guys got the game so can answer some questions. 60$ are a step price for me.
  7. Remember those WIP pics, hope you can release them one day.
  8. Wondering If someone can reduce on the skin, the size of the black part (fake radome) on the Nesher nose so it matches the size of the Kfir nose. Thanks a lot Nesher Kfir
  9. Would not mind flying all those planes Piecemeal, really like them! BTW, how can I erase markers (waypoint cones, radar squares...) for better screenshots?
  10. img00011

    From the album Stratos

  11. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    Opino lo mismo.
  12. Maybe dual racks for A-A missiles on the belly. That will make 4 on the wings + 2 on fuselage + DT pretty good for a interceptor.
  13. The Reds were close to W.German bases, who need all that fuel?
  14. A avionics hump will sure kill the line of the Thud, but maybe the bomb bay can be used for that.
  15. Maybe reducing fuel amount will let you carry more weapons and/or have a more agile airplane? After all you will not need all that fuel on Germany.
  16. A well won retirement! A true hero for India!
  17. Now tha's pretty interesting!! Will you add Armeé de l'air units on Madagascar?
  18. The main problem will be the maps. AFAIK there's no map with Oslo on it, Copenhagen is on Denmark map (obviously) but that map is not properly populated IIRC. You can ask here: sas1946.com They will be able to help. Also IIRC the Mosquitos are all available so only problem will be the maps. Good luck.

    Impresionado me quedo, de los mejores skins que he visto nunca para ningún sim!!
  20. Thanks Centurion! Wondering If you can make the black part slightly shorter and paint that grey point of the tip of the cone black? Thanks a lot mate!!

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