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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Thanks Centurion! Wondering If you can make the black part slightly shorter and paint that grey point of the tip of the cone black? Thanks a lot mate!!
  2. img00010

    From the album Stratos

  3. I alreadt tried it Wrench, it was the first thing I did, before asking for help and does not work.
  4. img00009

    From the album Stratos

  5. They are not useable, both the black part and the cammo part appear distorted, I already tried. They are not useable, both the black part and the cammo part appear distorted, I already tried.
  6. If someone have the proper template I will do it myself.
  7. img00008

    From the album Stratos

  8. img00007

    From the album Stratos

  9. I know how hard is to build a plane, but I will like to request a Advanced Trainer the Russian Yak-130. It seems it will get several contracts for equipping small air forces, and I think it will be great for Low Intensity conflicts and for an idea I have of "Trainer AC Wars". ]http://combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=img_ctrl&img=26908&file=max] http://combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=img_ctrl&img=26909&file=max] Thanks.
  10. Thanks mate! Will ask him on Spanish forum! Gracías tío! Le preguntaré a Ale en el foro en español!
  11. yak130

    From the album Stratos

  12. yak130 Blueprint

    From the album Stratos

  13. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    Opino lo mismo que Cangas, se ha hablado incluso de Kfir + Mirage F.1 No sé yo lo que nos deparará el futuro.
  14. Thanks for the info, looking forward to "ol" and "modern" versions!
  15. Scorpion Light Jet

    I agree with wahubna, the Super Tucano I think is a better airplane for that mission, but being a jet that should be faster and more heavily armed. BTW it looks a bit like the Alphajet isn't it?
  16. Yeah!! Always wanted to fly such campaign!! Please add Mirage IIIR too!! BTW those Mirage III shouldn't use a desert cammo? Or the desert cammos was used later?
  17. More 3D pits (BMS) advertised

    Cool! Maybe for the next big patch? That one will include the F/A-18C cockpit IIRC.
  18. Yeah, simply wated to see some CT skins and the new nose ;)
  19. Not "BIG" but different nose details. And really different skins.
  20. Looking forward to try it! But where can we get the terrain?
  21. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    Pero Argentina necesita aviones con misión Aire-Aire, por eso lo pregunto. Que misíl francés se podría usar? O quizás alguno israelí?
  22. Mirage F-1 para Argentina

    He leído en determinados foros que los aviones franceses no tienen la cabina modernizada manteniendo la pantalla de radar monocroma entre otras, es verdad? Mantiene el CT capacidad BVR y si es así, con que mísil?

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