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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Always loved the idea of Canadian Phantoms defending North aproaches.
  2. Any idea of what those planes will get? Modern cockpits and weapons? If Serbia ever modernize the Fulcrums will have a pretty capable plane too.
  3. Now, this one make sense Spinners! Well done!
  4. Love both planes the Lavi and the J-10. And It hink will help improve PLAAF a lot.
  5. Seems EF2000 will have a second life very soon in full hires glory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sX6s-1S89Kg http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3830314/EF2000_Reloaded#Post3830314
  6. Voyager leaves solar system

    And is still sending data?
  7. Syrians Probe RAF Defences

    Very interesteing, thanks for sharing.
  8. Amazing! Didn't knew we had this thing!
  9. DCS WWII: Europe 1944

    Can be well Italy, I togut the map was for DCs world, but If for WW2, Italy seems reasonable. We will need a P-40 then :D
  10. The F-117 navalized is pretty cool!
  11. DCS WWII: Europe 1944

    40$ from me. Hope this one provides a good show. BTW can we start speculating about that terrain? What about Albania?
  12. Ok, I have two doubts let me present my questions and hope someone can help. - Is possible to have a "virtual bomb bay door" on external hardpoints? So I need to open the bay in order to be able to launch the weapons. - Is possible to convert a "gunsight" only HUD into a modern HUD? Something like the vanilla F-16A Hud will do. Thanks!
  13. Wondering If you're talking about mlracing. He left SimHq and I cannot contact him, AFAIK he made his work using a hex editor pver the SF exe.
  14. The pylons are already there. Is just to force the player to "do one more thing" before being able to launch the weapons.
  15. I always loved the Su-33 and altought not realistic the Flanker 2.51 was a lot more fun, using guided ammo and flying together the Mig-29K... Ah the good old days!!
  16. The Naval Mig-23 looks great, I will go for it!! And you're right, the UB looks pretty cool, a Tomcatski lol
  17. As I said before, we should try to ask TK for the source code maybe signing a confidentiality agreement, OR try to mod the games ourselves. I doubt he will ever release that EXP.3 I can be wrong of course, but If we want the series to evolve a bit more we should start moving forward. I'm pretty sure we can do it.
  18. Well Paran can use Bearcat and Helldivers during that era using maybe a Casablanca class escort carrier.
  19. Looking forward to this package, specially the Fulcrum, I will really love to see a two seater K Fulcrum one day.
  20. I really hope you release this one. SEAC planes are cool in WW2 and in SEA war!

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