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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Everyone has his own interests and wishes, slewable radar cursor is mine. Trying to contact MLRacing to see If he can tell me how to do it.
  2. Need to found his videos and his name. It was miracing?? If we can do it, what stop us? The lack of how is done?
  3. Link to that video please? If he did it maybe we can do it again. Will improve my experience 100%!
  4. Beautiful!! You like the Fishpot eh Spinners? :D
  5. Looks pretty cool! Will it be invisible to radars?
  6. Thanks for sharing. Can you imagine doing that route once flying your own plane? I will love it for sure, one of my dreams!!
  7. Last pic show a very cool scheme. Any idea of the squadron and time for that scheme?
  8. Maybe too big? What about a Kutsenov?
  9. Which carrier are you planning to use?
  10. Korea - Iron Fortress

    High altitude looks cool, but low altitude simply shows his age.
  11. North PAcific missions will be nice. A place to play with all the Pac based Tomcats.
  12. The VTOL concept matchs with the swedish doctrine for cold war. Cool idea mate!
  13. The F104 has a great pilot killer fame too.
  14. Getting interested in the what if invasion of Czechoslovakia by Germany in 1938, but can't find where the Czech defenses were placed. I know they had a line similar to the Maginot one, but where is placed? Anyone know?
  15. Seems those guys are still improving the map. The map is called Czechoslovakia '38 here's a pic of the areas it cover.
  16. I'm impressed, thanks for sharing that page Monty I'm planning to have a 1938 campaign defending Czechoslovakia in Il2 using the Prague map. As we have all the planes needed (well the Heinkel 112 is lacking but we have all this:) Ju87A and B He111 B and E 109B, D and E (several marks of each) Heinkel 45 and 46 Henschel 123 Heinkel 51 Dornier 17 And for Czhechoslovakia: Avia B534 (both open and closed cockpit) Letov S.328 Aero.101 Letov S.231 Avia B.71 Avia B.35 We still lack Arado 68, the Avia B.33 ad the Heinkel 112. But the map is wonderful, from Germany to Prague.
  17. Is there any way I can add a "static" SAM like SA-6 or SA-3 using the in-game mission editor? A SAM that can track me and shoot me down. Is possible?
  18. I downloaded and installed Desert Plus and Desert Target Zone from Baffmesiter but both terrains CTD as soon as the loading screen appears it can't load anything it simply sits at 0% for a sec or two then CTD. Any idea?
  19. Thanks mate it works now! the TFD and HFD files were missing. I miss the runways now, how can I solve it?
  20. New Japenese Destroyer

    Thanks for clarification.

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