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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. New Japenese Destroyer

    F-35? The Short Take Off, Vertical Landing variant? Does not need a ski ramp?
  2. New British terrain models

    The vanilla Hurricanes, argh my eyes lol Cool tower mate!
  3. The cammo version will benefit of a bit of weathering If possible.
  4. Wondering if we have a way to fly Vietnam era (and early if possible) B52s. Last time I tried was in the first series and the results were not pretty good. So my question is, do we have a proper cockpit with a bombsignt that let the player hit the targets? Thanks.
  5. Now that nose art is pretty cool, always liked american pin up on planes.
  6. A real shame, the cammoed Dhimari Meteor is my new favourite, it just look RIGHT over desert terrain.
  7. For SF2? Will like to try them once downloads are back,
  8. I love those wingtip droptanks, make the plane look more menacing.
  9. Thanks a lot mate!! Will be too much If I ask for the arab numbers on the fuselage too?
  10. Is that Dhimari using the syrian Meteor skin? if yes can you please tell me the decal position for the tail flag?
  11. Will have to keep flying tactical bombers If the Buff is too hard to fly properly.
  12. DCS World 02 Aug 2013 News Update

    That UPK will be used by the Hip, but maybe for future flyable Hinds too.
  13. img00032

    At first I tought it was a Hawker SeaHawk. Nice job on that 109!
  14. Now thats pretty cool. Guns only ormit can carry one of those huge soviet A-A missiles?
  15. A walking UAV. Why?

    Is a bit scary when walking.
  16. DF-ST-86-06892

    From the album Stratos

    A B52 droppn snakeyes at low level over Farallón de Medinilla on the Marianas.
  17. Stratos

    Pics from Stratos
  18. Never tried WW2 combat in SF, maybe is time already
  19. Is that a British airfield?
  20. New Steam Locomotive

    Looks Cool Co.l EAW never looked soo good!
  21. Amazing skin!! Thanks for creating it!!

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