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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Is based on the missile? I like the idea! Will be cool in Honduran or El Salvador marks.
  2. Remembering My Father...

    Condolences for you and your family.
  3. Maybe he's getting ready for EXP 3?
  4. I always wondered which is the main role of the F-15E Strike Eagle, as the name I think is "to strike" the enemy buildings, but I have also seen the "E" heavily loaded with cluster bombs so is CAS a intended role too? Is not a too expensive plane to do that?
  5. Very cool one guys! Love the rivets too, a very nice job!
  6. Main role of the F-15E?

    Thanks JediMaster!! Your post is very useful, that clarified a lot of things for me. BTW IIRC SEAD is a Viper role in the USAF.
  7. Main role of the F-15E?

    When you guys talk about Strike and Deep Strike, what is the main difference?
  8. Cool work Raven! The Starfighter is such a beautiful airplane!
  9. DCS: Mil Mi-8MTv2 Screenshots

    AFAIK the new Edge engine (or something like that) will simplify terrain creation a lot.
  10. Spinners any chance of a Spanish Navy version?
  11. Falklands 2

    Interesting find Piecemeal. Maybe is a interesting book and I need to give it a try.
  12. Looks amazing mate! Very well done!
  13. I also figured many times about the chinese Migs. Maybe one day we will see a new Vietnam with Hainan airfields.
  14. Amazing, hope spanish navy will get his first supersonic fighter soon!
  15. Privateer for me. BTW cool to hear we will see a navy version too!
  16. Is possible to get this thing carrier capable so it can land on small NATO carriers?
  17. I'm not an F-5 Tiger Expert, but when I look at our F-5E in SF2 I feel there's something wrong on it when I compare it with pics I see of real F-5E's. I'm not saying that the SF2 F5 is wrong, simply that does not match with pics I have, maybe they are different versions or something, that's why I post this here, maybe will be able to clarify why they are different. For me is like the SF2 F5E nose is too large when compared with the real aircraft. Same goes for the cannons, they look too large to me. Some pics: [/url] [/url] Hope someone can help.
  18. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a rivet counter, not at all. Simply will love to see a better looking F-5. Will need to learn about this "remove -= simple data ini edit using 'remove component trick'"
  19. Is possible to shorten or erase the guns on the nose of the "sharknose" F5? [/url]

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