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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Can't wait for those skins Wrench! Mandatory pic. Rifle!
  2. I think I remember that shop Derk. :)
  3. I don't believe he will add anything more functionality to the radars, he already stated it, being too hard to add, and not matching his idea of fun/difficulty but maybe "we" (as you guys the community modders) can add those features as a mod If he teaches us how "we" can do it.
  4. He answered me regarding the kickstarter idea, maybe he will answer again this time. But what should I ask?
  5. Can we try to ask to TK "how we can mod those radar mods ourselves"? Or you guys already asked?
  6. Combat Pilot Launch Announcement

    Yesh, I just tought about it too. the idea is pretty good, but the price is quite excessive. Also last time I cheked they had only trainers, not a single combat airplane. Some links about how Combat is done in FSX. http://www.captainsi.../products/w001/ http://www.vrsimulat...com/tacpack.htm
  7. I really really doubt that adding slewable radar cursor is doable with mods.
  8. I will love a desert skin for this one: http://combatace.com/files/file/11043-sa-341-gazelle/ But If I need to fly it on the Capun one will do it. Unfortunately no more Desert skins on that Helo.
  9. Guys, relax. Got a answer from TK himself. Here it is. Same as DanW, wondering what will be a fair amount of money for those 3-4 features I'm requesting... Also, what should I say now? I think we can get 10000$ or even more from the community, of course If proper and desired features are added, but seems that will not be enough.
  10. The small pic of the desert skin is in the download, but skin is the classical green and grey.
  11. No poll will be made If TK doesn't aprove so don't worry.
  12. Well I just send this mail to TK: Dear Thirdwire managers. I've been following TK since the old good EAW, then I moved to the first SF and all the titles until now. In the CombatAce community, we are discussing about a possible "raise funds to buy features" idea, using the kickstarter method. Making a poll to know which 3 or 4 main features will the community like to be added to the series, and then raise money to pay Thirdwire for developing them, so you can add as a expansion on the online shop. I'm pretty sure like the community can raise more than 10.000$ for a good pack of features like a new realistic mode with slewable radar cursors, or a helicopter type of FM like the ones in Operation Flash Point (collective to control the height, and the stick to control speed and heading). 3 or 4 of those features for 10.000 $ sounds like a good deal, but what you guys think about it?? Looking forward to your response. Thanks. Jordi Haro Sancho "aka" Stratos. One can always dream.
  13. I think I will ask TK himself. As you know the DCS Mig-21 asked for 13.000$ (he raised more money than that) for a plane in a outstanding level of detail. If I can only know how much this community can raise...
  14. I think we can raise a good amount of money. We are not asking for the moon, but If for example we can raise say 10000$, it will still not be enough for TK?
  15. That's ok, but what about the raise money to add features idea? I will pay from 30 to 50 euros (37 to 61 $) for features like the slewable radar cursor, a OFP style helicopter FM (collective to control the height, and the stick to control speed and heading) or other features other want to add.
  16. Man, I think you're really burnt out with all this. There's no need to be so agresive. I'm only giving ideas. But you're right about own build games, nothing comes from them. I have all my faith in the game intact, i'm not a advanced modder like you guys are so all the unextractable things problem still are far away of being a problem to me, same with the terrains, as my pc can't handle it. but I can see the problems that generate for you so it affects me too. Thats a pretty good idea. But of course we should ask TK first. Imagine this. Making a poll about the features we want the more, a poll with varied options and with enough time to everyones to vote. Maybe things like slewable radar cursors for air to air and air to ground modes (and optical guided weapons too). And other features like that. Once the community decided we should present the results to TK to see If he want to add them. I'm sure we can gather money to Kickstarter so maybe even TK will be interested.
  17. Wondering how much will cost to create a "base" game from scratch. We can always try kickstarter to fund the first release and then create the mods ourselves. And hire again a programmer when we need to add more features.
  18. Can't wait for that new Korean War mod guys! Looks really amazing! Lazarus, great pic with the Mi8 landing. Didn't knew that Pakistan used Soviet supplied choppers, or is a What if? About the pics, best Tomcat paintscheme ever...
  19. Flogger23 great pics! Is that a new Korean terrain? Mandatory screenshot. I had to sweat to get this kill.
  20. Cool plane you released, thanks for creatng it!! In one of the pics of the download page, appears in the background what appears as a Mirage III with canards and refueling probe. Looks like a Fuerza Aerea Venezolana, is this one available?
  21. IS anyone able to fly it properly? It goes side to side like If the rudder was broken when I fly it.
  22. Thanks for showing it, but I will wait until the Mirage F.1. BTW, If you purchase a DLC is like when you buy a gae that you can download every time you need?
  23. Good. My all time favourite Mirages are the Mirage IIIR's. Can't wait to fly over Coupi Namibia terrain taking pics of Cuban camps :D

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