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Everything posted by Stratos


    El J-10 está listo? Me parece un avión precioso.
  2. The more Miages, the better!!! Shame we still lack the Mirage III R
  3. We have dedicated Range terrains. Who said is for combat??
  4. First Indian C-17 Globemaster III

    Congrats to Indian Air Force. The C-17 is a truly beautiful aircraft... ad useful too.
  5. No Fanta can paint scheme? C'mon that scheme was simply superb! :)
  6. No idea of what model are you talking about Wrench.
  7. Shouldn't be easy to add the Mirage V under nose doppler fairing using the fake pilot method?
  8. I will like to know If someone have the Chinese letters of this F51D Mustang available in a better resolution. I'm planning to add them on my skins, but need a better view of them. I tried to search for model decal sets but all of them are too small. Can someone help??
  9. Second one is perfect Major. Now is time to finish it and move to the Thunderbolt. Wrench no idea of what they say, but look cool.
  10. I'm still in shock. I tought it would have been something easy like changing countries in a ini file or something like that. I have no idea of map edition and don't want to learn it, after all my last year at the uni is a the door, my daughter is 9 months old and my time is really limited. Thanks for the info guys.
  11. Cool!! I really like this one Veltro!!
  12. I installed the Afghan terrain, but I can't fly as the Soviet Union cause I get a CTD, any idea of how to solve that? I'm downloading now the Nato Pfighters pack searching for that Grach!
  13. Found the Marcfighters Hip, and there is a SF1 Hind, now I need to found the Su25, IIRC there's one on Darius operation, but I will need a soviet skin for it. You're right about the Mig23/27, never hear about the Fishbeds.
  14. True! Will need a Pakistani skin, but can work pretty well.
  15. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I will love to see that one day!!
  16. PAulopanz, can you please erase some PM messages so I can send you a new PM?
  17. One question. - With Fake pilot method, we can add a pitot tube on the proper position (upper part of the intake, but can we erase the lower pitot tube?
  18. Now I will LOVE to read that, specially If is in a book. Wondering what the japanese can fly for then. As lots of veterans will like to fight against the commies.
  19. Long ago, someone created and released here a USAF interceptor with the cockpit buried inside the fuselage. Cant remember the name of the plane, and that makes searching for it very hard. Wondering if someone remember its name. Thanks.
  20. I think your piracy acusation is related to that flee. After all I'm sure SimHq don't want to be involved in piracy and maybe they asked politely to YAP owners to leave the forums.

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