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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. 1982 Israeli Vipers loadouts?

    Dumb bombs all the way, and the ocasional Mav for precision tgts I supose! Thanks guys, you're a true gold mine.
  2. Anyone have good info of the loadouts used by Israeli F-16's during operations over Lebanon? I'm curious about the weapons used, If they used Lima or Mike Sidewinders, If they carried ECM pods and which ones. Thanks!
  3. 1982 Israeli Vipers loadouts?

    Ok, now that A-A loadout is sorted (thanks for clarifying they used the L). Any idea about the A-G loadouts?
  4. Hi! Anyone have a premade camo layer for the Viggen? so I don't have to replicate it from scratch. Thanks!
  5. Is visible to staff only. I think is time to put it for download once more.
  6. Orel Aircraft Carrier.
  7. Anyone know If mid cold war tanks like the M-47 or the M-48, T-55, T-62, etc can be penetrated by aircraft guns like the Crusader Colts or the MiG-21 GSh-23? Thanks.
  8. Thank's thats what I needed to know.
  9. What in the world is that tank? Mandatory screenshot, attacking a Kashin with Mk.20's...
  10. In a special meeting in the Hebrew cabinet in August 1987, the goverment presided by Yitzhak Shamir decided to stop the development of the IAI Lavi after defense budget had sikyrocketed. But in a twist of fate, almost at the end of the meeting a urgent message arrived trough diplomatic channels. Japan and Argentina will help to fund the IAI Lavi in exchange for techincal help and the permissions to build the plane in country. At this genereous offer, Shamir soon made a press conference presenting the country with the new situation and letting IAI enginners and pilots to continue the flight tests then underway. 5 years after that the plane was considered a huge succes with export orders to several countries as well as being a plane that meets all the old and new requirements being made by the IAF. Here we see the plane in a punitive strike in 1994 against Gaza strip. Model by AngelP, it need some work on skins, basicly weathering and stencils, if anyone wanto to help with that...
  11. Just wanted to say hello to everyone

    Hello Mate! Glad to see you're still kicking!
  12. No problem, I got the pun intended by daddyairplanes, no harm done, and it seems the SAMS cannot get a proper label. Thanks for the help!
  13. Excuse the Necroposting, but don't feel my question deserves a new threat. - Is there any way to asignate Labels to SAM and or missiles? Thanks!
  14. Soviet Top Gun lizard marking?

    Tons of pics, thanks for the clarification, an thanks a lot @daddyairplanes
  15. Anyone have this lizard in hires?
  16. Soviet Top Gun lizard marking?

    As I understand those were based at Mary. You're right that they were part of Afghan war fighter-bombers.
  17. My next book released

    Will jump for it, If they ever reprint it.

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