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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Town Tiles

    WOW!! Is looking great, hope we will be able to see something similar for SF2 soon
  2. Thanks for the info Mig. Spinners, now that's really original!
  3. MigBuster hello!! On the pic of the Navy Phantom, are you using one of the YAP carriers on SF2: Vietnam? If yes, which one? please
  4. From ACIG.org Colours and Markings The exact colours of the Stirlings are unclear. When they were in the service of Trans-Air the aircraft were natural metal or aluminium overall. Registration markings were in large black letters on the fuselage and over the upper and lower wings. The ‘OO’ was on the port wing, the two letters being separated by the outer engine and the remaining three letters evenly spaced out on the port wing. The name ‘Trans-Air’ was placed below the cockpit about half way down the fuselage. In Air Transport service the name ‘Air Transport’ was placed under the cockpit. In Egyptian service they may have been camouflaged or they may have been left in natural metal. They would have worn Egyptian roundels for the period above and below the wings and fuselage sides. Serials, if carried, would have been in Arabic and placed on the fuselage aft of the roundel. They would most likely have been repeated under the wings facing opposite directions as per RAF practice.
  5. Panzer IV bought to Spain after WW2 Here a Syrian Panzer IV destroyed, it was placed on the Golan Heights
  6. It seems I can't find any french cammo skin for the Mirage F1, is there any out there?
  7. Paulo do you have any pic of the Seahawks we can see? Maybe in other Pc or already uploaded to a site?
  8. Thats make sense even in the moddeling world. You guys made me decide to buy both WOI2 and the expansion, I love the Seahawk too much too lose this opportunity.
  9. Anyone know which plane the Israeli used as their primary recon between 1967 and 1973 including both wars? IIRC they never picked the Mirage IIIRD so have no idea what they used, old Misteres or Ouragans? Or maybe a locally produced recon pod for Mirage III?? Will be great to know Thanks!
  10. Yes, an amazing page, not only by the Mirage but for other the planes, ballons, drones... as well.
  11. What is? The Pyotr velikiy? Sure it will be a hard nut to crack/defend, looks really cool, congratulations
  12. Thanks Dave!! Can't wait to fly those Seahawks and try to kill something on the underpowered lovely Hawk!
  13. Thanks for the update Elephant, sure the pilots will be great!
  14. Are those available somewhere? They look cool but can't find it anywhere.
  15. Can't wait to fly over it!! Will be the RAF Hunters included? Thanks for the work mate! I supose all the new planes will be flyable, no?
  16. Wondering how the new prop planes fly on the expansion, sure they look cool, cool enough to make me purchase both the game and the expansion. BTW, how much will cost to add the French and RN carriers together with SeaHawks, Wyverns, french Corsairs.... MMMMH sounds good!!
  17. IIRC Someone made long ago a couple of A-4 mods, one is for the Royal Navy, the other one is for the french Armmé de l'air, but I can't found any of them on the downloads section, are they still around?
  18. That was fast!! I will need to update them to use on SF2 Thanks a lot!
  19. Is possible to modifiy the SF2 terrain tiles? I'm talking about the default ones, extract them, edit them and readd to the sim so we can use it while in game?? I will like to add some bushes to the now desert tiles, in order to have a more Savannah look and a less desertic ones. then If is possible to add 2d bushes to the bushes on the tiles, like stary did with trees. Thats it. Thanks!!
  20. Those Scrub tiles look superb Wrench, I will conitnue my work, but once you guys release the Indo-Pakistani terrain, my tiles will seem ridiculous.
  21. Thanks Ludo, I'm enjoying the first pack, sure will enjoy this one too!!
  22. I'm reading you guys and trying to understand all this stuff, including the one at KB, let's try to add the Scrub to DESERT 1 and DESERT 2 tiles, then I will try to make the transition tiles... What a pity there's no tiles like the ones I wanmted, lots of time will be saved
  23. Even when flying at noon, I think that WOE2 (not tried the other 2nd gen games) are too dark for me. Which will be the best way to add some African sun to the game? (AKA enlight the game) Thanks!

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