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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Quick missions?

    Thanks Uncleal, will try asap. This happened after I bought a new card
  2. I'm just reinstalling FE and the expansion, should I wait for your release of the terrain? Will be out in a "real" week??
  3. Quick missions?

    I'm getting this error If I try to fly in Quick Combat: Error Updating Config Override Settings- File does not exist - Reinstall OFF! C:\Documents and Settings\Jordi\Datos de programa\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\ConfigOverrides.xml And is true, this file is not there. Can soemone upload his file somewhere so I don't need to do the complete reinstall please?
  4. Got bit by the WW1 fever and will like to know which are the best mods for FE game. I have the original game plus the expansion and will like specially more terrain options, something like Stary works for SF series but on the WW1 terrain Thanks in advance!
  5. What mods should I install?

    Thanks! Will take a look to the links!
  6. What mods should I install?

    No one can guide me please?
  7. Seems that these made a sustantial improvement on my WinXp WOE, but I will like to know If I can make the skyes less brightly And the shadows less dark Thanks!
  8. Thinking about the Black Sea terrain and if is possible to play on it some "Ukraine Vs Russia" action, you know Mig-21,23,25,29,31 and Su25 and 27 against the same type of aircrafts but of the other side of the Kerch strait. Single missions only Possible?
  9. Yes! Was my fault! Erwin, the mod is working fine, SAMS and airbases are ok! Now is time to work on the planes :)
  10. No, they explode cause they appear one over the other
  11. All my planes explode as soon as they appear on the runway. Any idea?
  12. Thanks Erwin! Will try as soon as possible!
  13. Allen I will try to do myself, hope you're open to help requests If I find something I can solve
  14. Will try myself. Which SF game is the best to install this mod? WOE? Then maybe someone will be able to help me convertung Crimea into "allied"
  15. But you modded the terrain or at least the objects in order to have a Crimen side Vs a Russian side isn't it?
  16. Do you have a credible story for this one?
  17. Allen this is just what I need! Can you please share it somehow? I really enjoyed Flanker 1 and 2 scenario and I know that LOMAC is similar but I miss there some fast mud movers and the special feeling of SF series. Possible to share it?
  18. Very interesting, didn't know anything about it. We have this in-game?
  19. Can someone tell me which are the first soviet bombers powered by Jets? I can't fins anything before the Il-28 Beagle, but sounds strange that they needed 3 years to develop a jet bomber with all the data captured to the germans and the first fighter jets already flying in 1946. Thanks
  20. Yes is from that page, they have some really talented "designers" there. Will be cool to have this plane for SF one day
  21. Not from me sorry. I have no idea about aircraft creation
  22. First Soviet Jet bombers?

    Seems that the Il-22 is a copy of the German Heinkel jet bomber, anyone know If the soviets tried to copy the Arado234? This plane was totally operational and seems pretty good for the era
  23. Looks like a A4F with Harrier intakes and wings

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