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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Two doubts

    Lables will be the way to go for me. Sounds like it just what I needed. Hope is possible to activate a time speed or warp or something. Flying this old kites will be needed. Is possible to activate the Warp like in CFS3 ( the plane flyes in autopilot ) or even better fly at a accelerated time?
  2. Can someone tell me what forces used the USN during the Korean War? You know Destroyer classes and carriers deployed at the Korean theatre. Also If any Crusier or BB was used, will be cool to know also the classes of them Thanks
  3. USN forces in Korea?

    Excellent list! Just what I need!
  4. MiG-25 Scramble

    Excellent video!! Thanks a lot for sharing it
  5. Pretty cool, go for it please
  6. If you add the Zambian Mig-21, will not be a hard target for the Hunter?
  7. Looking great man!! Your idea about poor countries just fit perfectly, a really cheap interceptor!!
  8. See? How cool will be to fly this little gem?
  9. WOW! Coin ops? excellent! Is not the AC47 used by the South Africans? The Rhodesian Air Force used it? Is a perfect COIN plane
  10. MMM Looks pretty cool!! Excuse me please If I missed something, but which planes will be involved? I'm almost sure that Red side will have tons of Mig21 and Mig17, but what about the blue side?
  11. I really like how this one is going
  12. Two questions: 1-What terrain will you use for the campaign? 2-Will there be South African Mirage III as flyables?
  13. Fast can you please post more Comics parts?
  14. Fast that's a nice Comic. Looks very well done. Can't wait to see what will happen finally here!
  15. IIRC there's a Japanese mainland scenario in the works some time ago. Will be useful for Invasion of Home Islands. Tigercats, Bearcats, Kikka's... Hehe... I created the post. Is still available here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...Japan&st=20
  16. The Mig-17F can be a real Mirage Killer!!
  17. OOOPS I called F108 cause is a mix of a F104 and a F8, know nothing about a real F108. I posted here cause is a "scifi" plane. Don't need to be able to fly to really fly in SF world
  18. Just watched Flight of the Intruder for the first time! This film is amazing!! Really enjoyed it! But there's a thing that make me wonder, how you bomb the enemy when using TK sims? Our A6 have no bombing by radar system, I don't know If the film displayed in the film is realistic, but is not possible to add a sistem that let you bomb while in level flight even during bad weather? Also is possible to add a copilot somehow? P.S. Anyone more enjoyed the film?
  19. Macelena chico, el A-Team tiene un mapa de España usado para la guerra civil española, podrias pedirle ayuda a Wrench en transformarlo a moderno. En casi todos los escenarios de la WW3 podrias usar Marruecos y Algeria contra España, como ha dicho Gunrunner, los magrabíes podrian pasarse a los sovieticos sin pestañear y atacar España. Desbaratando así una area vital de la OTAN para recibir y preparar suministros
  20. Well the acting in the film was not the important part for me. But the planes flying around were simply amazing! Really enjoyed that part. Now guys I will have to search all those books you just posted Mladuna, please keep us informed of your progress
  21. IIRC they are on Capuns site
  22. Topic de presentación

    Hola a todos! Yo soy Español, de Catalunya, hace ya tiempo que voy por aqui. compre el Strike fighters de importacion nomas salió pq me encanta el F4 y el A4, y desd entonces vamos por aqui dando vueltas. AleDucat, esos perfiles se ven barbaros!! Imaginese volar uno pintado asi en Lomac!! La leche!
  23. With the latest patch If you want to see the enemy a/c with a red box, you also get those ugly and annoying labels. Exist any way to have the boxes like before but not the labels?? Thank's!

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