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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. This requires a complete MiG-23MLD update mod lol BTW, regarding those Afghani skins, will you release them?
  2. I installed the FM and radar updates, but regarding the chaff/flares, does not the MLD carry the chaff and flares over the fuselage?
  3. SAAF Two seaters in combat.
  4. I think you have found a engine limitation.
  5. IIRC the NF-104 mod available here have something similar, you can try it.
  6. I think Logan is right, my book does't show them on any of the schemes or talk about those little wings.
  7. Will check tomorrow in my book, it describes several R23 variants, maybe that's explained as well.
  8. Thanks for the pics Gepard, do you have enough material to work Raven?
  9. It's me who says thanks for all this work. The only proper pic I found until now of the R-23.
  10. Aussie, Mirages F.1 patrolling the skies over Timor, 1983...
  11. I own a book called Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weapons since World War Two by Yefim Gordon. Unfortunately does not talk about the training versions of the R23 or R24, only about the R3U. And this pic from the R73, will keep searching for more info and pics.
  12. I'm on it, but as I don't have scaner, some pics of the book will have to do.
  13. Raven is busy with the F-4G I think ( a helluva mod), we can cross our fingers and wait Raven to see our requests and to have some time in the future to spare.
  14. If you guys think is needed, I can repaint Cyprus in MED tileset
  15. Any chance of getting the R-23 variant as well?
  16. What offers: Syria, Israel and Turkey for Syrian Civil War, with more proper tileset, desert when desert and med coast tileset, bases where are due, road network and targets on mentioned areas. What it needs: Erase targets in Turkey west and in Greece, and maybe add more targets in Syria proper. Would love to have a transition tile for the DARK SEA/MED SEA ocean tiles. Sorry but got distracted by Soviet/Polish border for FE.
  17. Depriving the dushman of their logistic support (AKA retruning the Afghan villages to stone age).
  18. Protecting the Vips in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (I would kill for a TOD editor, so I can add more trees and create small hut villages!!)

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