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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Interesting conversation, is always cool to learn things about aviation trough replaying it. Again, was anyone able to use the RCS?
  2. Thanks a lot for this one!
  3. The canadians deployed up to 8 F-104 squadrons in Europe for Nuclear Strike role. Anyone have info of the expected tactics for those birds? Being pretty stable at high speed and low altitude, is that what they planned to do? How in the world they would navigate in the european weather, and once they encounter the target, what was the plan to deploy the bombs? Thanks.
  4. Founs this two, one with small wingtip addons. And this pointing at the RCS on the wings. The readme of the plane says the RCS is on the mod, anyone got it working?
  5. But the wingtip tanks of the NF-104 hosted the RCS, right?
  6. thanks for the the info, I hate to see that in this terrain, as USN would have flown tons of missions from carriers.
  7. Some weeks ago I played my Formosa installation without problems. Now when I enter the game the terrain is not there to be choosen, is the same terrain as always, I tried to move the terrain to another install and it does not appear. Any idea how can I solve it?
  8. Ok, it happens If I try the NAVALMAP=TRUE, even If the Water map is there and I have the NA game installed.
  9. 90000 and still climbing! Edge of space.
  10. First day of WW3, early Nov, 1962 Hangar Strike. Failed first run, Got it in the second, got hit in the process.
  11. No joy. I tried too to redownload the terrain and reinstall.
  12. Crusader, we're playing similar things! Strike against Israel... But I miss the seat lol Job done And our escort departs.
  13. Any other idea guys? Why it works on campaigns, and not appear in Single Mission?
  14. A pretty cool mod WIP for Il2, just amazing what this game can still do. Original post at SAS1946 by Mace at: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59815.msg658985/boardseen.html#quickreply Parallel project to the F7F-5WS (ASW-Firebomber-ECM-AEW-Tanker) and will be released in the same download package. In memory of Edlor whose excellent F7F-3N inspired this ‘what if’ Tigercat variant. Many thanks to ecf111 for his time and outstanding custom paint schemes that kept this project moving along. Still a few months of work to do but hoping to have this aircraft available for the community early next year. I will post further user guide screenshots as features and formats become finalised. Attack This late model F7F can carry a variety of guided weapons, including long-range GAM-67 Crossbow anti-shipping missiles, AAM-A-1 Firebird / AAM-N-2 Sparrow air-to-air missiles, JB-6 air-to-surface rockets, and Mk41 torpedos. For conventional free-falling ordnance, such as high explosive bombs and napalm tanks, both the AN/APS-19 air to surface search RADAR (range 80km) and a basic onboard bombing computer can be deployed against surface vessels with the option of automatic weapons release. For terrestrial targets such as bridges, docks, buildings, etc., mission makers can use a RADAR reflector designator to allow these objects to paint on RADAR for guided free-fall strikes. With the F7F-4AJ, players have access to the AN/APS-19 search RADAR scope, which can track up to four foe and four friendly targets at once. For airborne targets, a + or – indicates if the aircraft is above or below you. Also having a RADAR operator onboard means the pilot can request approximate speed and flight level of any tracked RADAR blips. Also simulating the RADAR operator’s speculation on the nature of the target from it’s RADAR cross section and movements, they may communicate the marked blip is possibly a fighter, bomber, aircraft carrier or submarine. The RADAR Gain keys cycle through the list of identified scope targets (both foe and friend) to display speed, altitude and possible type information. Drone Director To simulate the role of a drone controller, this loadout option allows the player to carry a RP-54E UAV aloft, air launch it (attach/detach key), then monitor its progress visually and/or with RADAR during the sortie and then command the deployment of the drone’s ballistic parachute in a recovery zone (Misc key 5). Airbags on the drone deploy at around 500ft AGL to allow it to float on water or land on terrain. The RP-54E UAV has a variety of roles, including aerial target, photo reconnaissance, ECM jammer and decoy. AI controlled aircraft can also replicate these range of drone director activities, using mission waypoints to air launch a RP-54E and then have the drone deploy its recovery parachute over land or water. Photo Reconnaissance The fuselage mounted KA-2 recon camera pod can photograph vertically and obliquely (both port and starboard). Low light intensifier viewing scopes and illumination flares assist the player with night reconnaissance operations. Target Tug Flying a target towing aircraft, you are not only very close to live rounds being fired by ‘friendlies’ at either a RADAR reflector or semi-rigid cloth banner but if you allow the 1600m tow cable to drag on the ground or water your tow target will be lost. Player or AI can then drop the target in a recovery zone for examination of gunnery fire accuracy. cheers mace
  15. The funny thing is that I can play campaigns without problem lol
  16. Updated Eastern Front Terrain

    Amazing level of detail!!
  17. Thanks for all the answers, the mission they had and the expected flight to the target would explain a lot of the crashes during the service years. I'm sure it would be exhilarating flying so fast, so low and with that relatively spartane aircraft.
  18. Thanks ValAstur for the gorgeous skins... A part of the Dhimar-UK defense agreement of 1949, was the permission to stablish a bombing range for RAF and RN use, (later also Australian and New Zealand forces were also authorized). One of the most obscure parts of the use by UK of the range was the deployment of tactical nukes using different airplanes, one of them were the Blackburn built Skyhawks, painted in antiflash whites, the Royal Navy made several launches against different types of simulated targets. On the following scrreens, we can see several pics of one of the missions. Fortunately for Dhimar fauna and flora, a live nuclear head was never used. Start on the carrier with the chase plane... Inboud to the coast. View from the chase plane. The two companions, the chase planes were equipped with special recon equipment on central pylon. Launching! Back a board. Those pics would have looked better If I knew how to use the TioPilotos filters lol
  19. Interesting, but remember one thing about GPS, any serious enemy will be able to shut down the GPS enough to make it unreliable, so I think that would need getting back to MarkI eyeball. Regarding the F-104, you can try visual routes over own terrain, but not over enemy one, wondering If they planned to follow natural features...
  20. Defending the Sultanate skies against imperialist agressor, both in 1966 As in 1982... And the Dhimari bastards...
  21. Suchoi Intercept Rafal refueling over Syria

    With the post above I want to show that we have to understand Russia has his own agenda, as western powers have their one, we cannot have the double morale of critizing Russia for trying to preserve thier sphere of influence, specially when that sphere collides with the one of the Western Powers.

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