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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. My idea is to see if TK is willing to improve the SF Software and repair some bugs with the community's involvement? Thanks a lot.
  2. Care to close this one then please?
  3. Sure, expensive. but I would pay good money for such fixes and upgrades. After all, a DCS module can cost as much as 80$!! And is only one plane!! Thing here is, how many of us are decided to pay, and how much?
  4. Ok, I agree, what you propose? If we present this as a community, we should sign with each name and nick, so TK can see who we are.
  5. I think, and this goes for Erik too, that no matter how many money we can offer to TK, he will simply not accept. IIRC he was talking something like 20k $. If we could gather 20k dollars maybe he would accept.
  6. That's why I asked about what to search, there are things that cannot be so hard locked. Like the old SFP1 Air to air refuelling trick, the hability to add a NVG layer, or the smoke and sound when a plane lands.
  7. Nice!! Your computer is working again? time to work on Malvinas?
  8. Beautifuuuuul! Mandatory pic, Phantom SEAD...
  9. Gerwin, is possible to calculate somehow the starting point of an airplane? I'm thinking in starting the mission on the platform or on a hardened Bunker.
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. Autoilot follows the programed waypoints, including height and direction. So no, you cannot edit Autopilot.
  13. Great work!! Can I ask a link to your page please?
  14. Soviet era propaganda films

    Great MiG-23 video! And the music is pretty cool too.
  15. Advanced Lavi of the 105th squadron doing what does best... SEAD! Hunter... And Killer: Random pics. Beirut in the background... Rifle!
  16. Sorry for reviving this, but is possible to see labels on missiles? both SAMS and A-A missiles.
  17. Wish you a sepeedy recovery!!
  18. Thanks for trying it! And good luck!!

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