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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Looks pretty good! Nice skin
  2. WIP What I would really love that are not WIP, is a better Su-25 model.
  3. The Cobra... And back to base. A delight to fly! Wish we can see more Yakarov choppers one day, a Hind maybe ;)
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  6. Update 04/04

    Thanks for getting the site back so fast! And also for all the work you do on it.
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  9. Where? On the mission text? Or I need to extract a new file?
  10. You guys do this pics on single missions using the mission editor right?
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  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  13. Always loved the British Phantoms, nice background.
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  16. Nice! Background is a bit too much I thinkm too much money already poured into the Ef2000 to abandon it, but some F22 to suplement the Ef's... Anyway is a nice work mate, congratulations.
  17. Looking forward to see this plan come to fruition. Specially the last part, will love to be able to add trees and buildings to my tiles.
  18. Sorry for reliving this old threat, but is the only one I found talking about wind. In the missione ditor you can mess up with the wind, nut I never noticed anyhting, no effect on weapons or in the FM of the planes. Is there any way to make wind affect the planes and weapons? Simulating crosswind landings would be great.
  19. Really interesting, wondering If you have plans for releasing it.
  20. Have you reduced weight and radar modes?
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