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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I'm speechless guuruu, really looking forward to try this one!!
  2. You will release a manual for all those new features, right? Are you using anything we don't know to make all this new avionics or simply putting the engine to its limits?
  3. Amazing mod!! Cool to see you're working on avionics too
  4. Hellcats Over the Pacific Retrospective

    At first I tought it was a Aces over the Pacific for the Mac, but it seems it had it's own good points! thanks for sharing.
  5. img00062.JPG

    From the album Stratos

  6. I'm scared in the sense that, how many planes do we have in SF2 series? NEVER again will we see such amount of flyable birds in any other sim. As people tend to whine about ultra realistic jets, is impossible to make more than a few before the complete engine is outdated. It happens exactly the same in WW2 series. Il2 has now hundreds of flyable WW2 and beyond birds, but we will never see such amount of planes anymore.
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  10. https://www.freelancer.com/find/programming?gclid=Cj0KCQiAzfrTBRC_ARIsAJ5ps0sME0sfBRK9UJsb5vVTqhC45cIzRWlAfFctOzAuPKUrRBBTa_AtpKEaAk8IEALw_wcB&ft_prog=ANH&ft_prog_id=239097321102
  11. Pretty cool, thanks for pointg it, TK should see that and create a Modern warfare expansion with improved avionics!
  12. I would love to see a better Su-25, the coalition shoot down some of them, and our current model is pretty outdated.
  13. AFAIK, the Vipers did a lot of DEAD missions using free fall bombs, and mostly iron bombs.
  14. Will the final user still need the game? I mean, he will still need the game lod files?
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  16. A new module for DCS costs 70$, I will pay the same, and maybe even more for a Avionics update to the game. After all, almost all my siming time is devoted to SF2.
  17. Some sad news regarding a former modder

    I made my post on YAP Facebook, but seeing how he helped here too, my -S- for him here too.
  18. If you don't share any of TK files, you can do wathever you want.
  19. AFAIK Some time ago was possible to refuel mid air with some kind of fake engine or something like that, but TK killed that in a patch, maybe is possible to get it back, we don't need to code all the A-A refuelling thing.
  20. He doesn't care If we mod, exes, DLL, CAT's or wathever! Just check the mail!! What we CANOOT is to share his files, but we can make patches changing what we need. He even said, "you'll need to update the mods when we update our games" so he's well aware of what we want to mod.
  21. I would like to be positive about this, but for getting somewhere, we need to start working on it, and I'm not even sure anyone knew where to start.

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