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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. This what we get so far using the method descibred in this post: Is a very clever solution by Florian, that let the player have NVG only when he selects them, nothing is visible from outside the plane and I think the results are really worth it. The work is by Florian and I tested it, the only drawback is that we need the 3d MAX sourcecode for the cockpits in order to include this type of NVG. So I use this post and video to request the people that have those files to please share us with Florian or me, or to contacxt us to instructions of how to add those NVG. I'm thinking in planes like the Hornets, Vipers, Strike Eagles...
  2. Guys, I will contact cockpits artists in order to add the NVG to modern planes, that's what I tought so far. F-16's F/A-18 and Super Hornets Strike Eagles Two seater Mirage 2000 Jaguar MK.I RAF Modern A-6 Intruders What more guys?
  3. Is a sphere activated trough one of the animations. It requires the cockpit 3d max to add that sphere.
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  6. New Aircraft

    The detail you build is just amazing!!
  7. New Aircraft

    I know that editor, but is more a quick combat thing than anything else. I would have prefered a SF2 style full mission editor, so we can select targets to attack, start on the ground, etc... Anyway, FE2 is sadly another TK abandoned product.
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  9. New Aircraft

    Thanks for the work you're doing! How I hate the limited mission editor of FE2!!!!
  10. While thinking about NVG effect for SF2, I remember your Super Hornets have a cool effect. At night, I noticed there's a zone of the canopy that enlights the exterior, it looks greener like if is reflecting the instrument lightning, but it have the side effect of iluminating the exterior of the plane so it works more or less like NVG and allow a better perception of the external workd. My question is, is possible to have the rest of the canopy like the green zone so we can have the first capable NVG aircraft in SF2? Look the upper part exterior looks darker while the lower exterior part looks more visible...
  11. Stary did some post process shader tweaks here: Including a NVG effect, maybe can be of help?
  12. Looks promising!! Are we getting close to NVG for the series?
  13. Anyway, most modern planes are mod ones, now let's hope for the best, hope someone can test it and report back.
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  15. So you mean, modded cockpits only, and in top of that, cockpits with acces to the 3d MAX file. I get it now, thanks for explaining it.
  16. What does it mean "self made cockpit"? Excuse my ignorance.
  17. Will really love to have NVG, will add a lot of fun to modern campaigns, like Bosnia, Desert Storm, What'ifs in Korea, Israel...
  18. Great work on the story of those Kahu's. Very nice repaint too.
  19. Will come in handy for your Tornado too, isn't it guuruu?
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  22. Shouldn't be possible to link that sphere to an animation?

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