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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I've found this entry in the AZON bomb... SustainerEffectName=MissileInFlightFlareEffect The X-4 entry for this is empty. Should I use that? Is that an standard effect?
  2. Do you like it?

    It's a nice update, I like how it looks.
  3. Very interesting conversation, sorry for rescuing from the depths, but I'm curious. Should the plane tell the pilot that the missile is on HOJ mode? I think I saw it on the DCS F-15, but not sure is on SF2.
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  6. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Este avión, cual es?
  7. I've seen a pic I cannot encounter anymore of a Us carrier full of Tomcats and Hornets, I cannot indetify the carrier but it looked small to me, so my question is, which carriers classes operated both Tomcats and Hornets at the same time? Wondering If I can find the damn photo again!
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  10. Wish it was so easy, but for that we would need to hack the exe, and will be a lot easier If we have the source code. AFAIK no one knows how to hack the exe.
  11. Been reading a lot of Iranian use of Tigers, Phantoms (both D and E) and Tomcats during the war with Iraq during the 80's, and I learned the number of failed attacks caused by failures in the airplanes, there are avionics failures like radars refusing to work, mechanical problems like broken refueling probes or exploding engines or even weapon problems, AIM-54's that once launched convert themselves into a very expensive dumb bomb dropping like a stone to the ground, failing to explode bombs, etc... I know post iranian revolution planes were poor mantained and not comparable to USN birds, but some failures can be experimented in Us birds too, after all they have spare during combat missions for the case of malfunctions. My question is, is possible to have random failures during the game? avionics, mechanical, weapons... that would add a lot of fun to the engagements, stalling engines, dropping missiles, dud bombs...
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  13. Light Attack Experiment

    Please keep them coming! PRetty interesting in this program.
  14. Have found the damn pic, it was the Forrestal, not that small as I tought at first sight, but as you said, smaller than the super carriers. Found the pics of the Tomcat on the Midway, but it seems those carriers were too small to use the Tomcat with combat fuel and weapons. Thanks for the help and links guys, were very helpful!!
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  19. Sukhois

    The details you're putting on this plane is just unveliable! Really looking forward to fight on it!
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  21. Sukhois

    What is this beast Blackbird? Man can't wait to try this birds in combat, Afghanistan and Iran-Iraq will be a lot of fun with them.
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