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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Something A Little Different

    I love the desings and the drwaings, so Steampunk!! But those machines are so huge even a Zep will kill them with bombs.
  2. I'm not sure it will need to give you a lock on warning tone, If he's using a R-77 depending on the distance he can shoot and the missile locks himself to you. At least I think it work that way.
  3. Hey nice work!! There's a curious thing on that Corsair skin, the wings have a nice weathering while the fuselage looks pristine new, is funny.
  4. Donde Comprar

    En España si sacaron versión en disco, aunque no recuerdo si fue del 1 o del 2. De hecho salió muy barato como a 5 euros o así.
  5. Seven G Beta?

    Interesting, not sure what the game will offer, anyone know something about theatre or enemies? I really hope is not Korea.
  6. Super Hunter

    Not sure it is real. You use a airframe of the 50's and pack it with technology of 21st century and expect to be rugged and cheap?
  7. The amount of detail is unveliable!! My hats off guys!
  8. I want to add SAM batteries to Libya map, I want Radar guided SAMS, you know SA-2, SA-3, SA-5, SA-6... I copied this from another area in same map, but when I fly over the new target area there are tons of AAA guns but not a single SAM launcher or Radar SAM, can someone tell me where my error is and how to solve it please? Here the code I use. [TargetArea166] Name=Ras Lanuf AD Battery Position=649656,423813 Radius=2000 ActiveYear=0 Location=2 Alignment=ENEMY Target[001].Type=SAMRadar Target[001].Offset=60,20 Target[001].Heading=90 Target[002].Type=SAMLauncher Target[002].Offset=-392.00,381.00 Target[002].Heading=330 Target[003].Type=SAMLauncher Target[003].Offset=-192.00,381.00 Target[003].Heading=30 Target[004].Type=SAMLauncher Target[004].Offset=-32.00,140.00 Target[004].Heading=90 Target[005].Type=SAMLauncher Target[005].Offset=-492.00,206.00 Target[005].Heading=270 Target[006].Type=SAMLauncher Target[006].Offset=-192.00,31.00 Target[006].Heading=150 Target[007].Type=SAMLauncher Target[007].Offset=-392.00,31.00 Target[007].Heading=21 Target[008].Type=AAA Target[008].Offset=-225,149 Target[008].Heading=45 Target[009].Type=AAA Target[009].Offset=-260,310 Target[009].Heading=90 Target[010].Type=AAA Target[010].Offset=-340,234 Target[010].Heading=135 Target[011].Type=AAA Target[011].Offset=-90,224 Target[011].Heading=180 Target[012].Type=EWR Target[012].Offset=-50,50 Target[012].Heading=180 Target[013].Type=LYFlag Target[013].Offset=0,0 Target[013].Heading=180 Target[014].Type=barrack1 Target[014].Offset=-10,20 Target[014].Heading=180 Target[015].Type=Firecan Target[015].Offset=-35,-20 Target[015].Heading=180 Target[016].Type=af1aagun_single Target[016].Offset=-225,149 Target[016].Heading=90 Target[017].Type=af1aagun_single Target[017].Offset=-260,310 Target[017].Heading=135 Target[018].Type=af1aagun_single Target[018].Offset=-340,234 Target[018].Heading=180 Target[019].Type=af1aagun_single Target[019].Offset=-90,224 Target[019].Heading=225 Target[020].Type=AAA Target[020].Offset=64,-155 Target[020].Heading=45 Target[021].Type=AAA Target[021].Offset=241,-114 Target[021].Heading=90 Target[022].Type=AAA Target[022].Offset=177,-315 Target[022].Heading=135 Target[023].Type=AAA Target[023].Offset=-16,-347 Target[023].Heading=180 Target[024].Type=af1aagun_single Target[024].Offset=64,-155 Target[024].Heading=90 Target[025].Type=af1aagun_single Target[025].Offset=241,-114 Target[025].Heading=135 Target[026].Type=af1aagun_single Target[026].Offset=177,-315 Target[026].Heading=180 Target[027].Type=af1aagun_single Target[027].Offset=-16,-347 Target[027].Heading=225
  9. Great news Snail. BTW Is possible to specify a certain SAM mark? for example to get a SA-5 on certain target area?
  10. Not bomb related, I have a question for you. Did the Dragon Rapide saw military service in China? Regarding bombs, ask DreamK in SAS forums, he's a ordinance specialist, I'm sure he will be able to help you. http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?action=profile;u=204
  11. I reduced the targets to 16, tried 1973, the SAM appear and shoot now, need to check my SAMS as I want them to appear on later dates as well.
  12. Simply any Soviet SAM will do, 2,3, 5 or 6, wathever. Simply want a radar guided SAM that engage me when I'm in the area. Also a good bullseye for my HARM's.
  13. My question is If is possible to link the lights of a plane to a Animation key? I need that in order to have a light that can be only turned ON by the player, not by the AI. Thanks.
  14. The launchers now appear, after giving the target area only 16 entries, and changing the year, but they appear empty, and never launching, pretty strange.
  15. It works linked to the position lights right now.
  16. Sikorsky R-4B / HNS-1 / Hoverfly Mk.1

    Love the cockpit Yakarov!! Very well done mod!
  17. AFAIK only F-4D, no F-4E's for SF2, escept for the recon variant included here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11713-rf-4e-pack-for-sf2-vers10/
  18. So even choppers? Maybe is possible to get this one day...

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