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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I don't want to steal the Rio de la Plata terrain post, so I will post this as a new threat. I asked permission to the new YAP manager in order to post this here, and got it, so everything is clear and approved. I attached the data of their "Target aircraft", is a "plane" that is on the ground and that is attacked by helo gunners. It works, as I tried in my own missions. Maybe someone here can find it interesting and maybe even improved. Thanks to the members of YAP Revamp Works Project by allowing me to post this on CA. Target_DATA.INI
  2. It does matter If it resides in aircraft folder once you're flying over it and being engaged by your gunners? You're also entitled to believe what you want, but that does not allow you to make negative comments, If you don't want to add something positive, move on. Thanks!
  3. Is a ground target, not a flying object, and is engaged by the gunners.
  4. Uruguay will be the center of many battles on that terrain, we would benefit from a modernized M41 Walker Bulldog!
  5. As a RAF flyer I will use it a lot! This pic is just amazing!!!
  6. Looks like a cool resort to walk a bit and have an ice cream!
  7. the longer exhaust is a bonus when fighting against Manpad equipped guerillas. I like how you added a warthog nose as the Uruguayan Pucarás!
  8. Is possible, adding a special aircraft object in the ground. Yap did that for its Hueys, now that is a free addon, maybe we can take a look how they did.
  9. Iranian F-14s in Retrospect

    Had to purchase second hand from a shop on the middle of nowhere in England, but hey! Finally is at home and It worth its weight in gold!
  10. I have never really enjoyed BVR in SF2, as the enemy doesn't like to defend after player fires it missiles, so is more a chiken first game.
  11. Any videos of the BVR part of the combat? Really curious how you guys fight and specially how you defend yourself in SF2 BVR arena.
  12. Didn't knew it was such amount of job!
  13. What you decided for the brown Rio de la Plata bay?
  14. Your First Sim

    This one and his expansion bought on a budget box I still have. (now stored inside the big box of the deluxe version shown below, also wit its expansion). One of the best sims ever, was really really fun to play.
  15. EAW, blast from the past.

    Just a blast from the past, having fun on European Air War Ardennes campaign! BTW the tilesets work on SF2 as well!
  16. Is that a real modification of the RAAF Mirage and a real scheme? Mandatory pic, Chinese delta-wing.
  17. Flying a bit of Taiwan straits lately. Anyone have a modern grey scheme for the TMF F-7 please?
  18. One day I will win the lottery and will purchase the code and instructions from TK, or pay a hacker to add the needed features. ROFL
  19. Looking forward to what you can bring to us! BTW, I saw that pic of the Voodoo and immediatly tought of it in PLAAF scheme!!
  20. I would change one of the GBU's by a Sidewinder and the ECM for something carried internally, but looks pretty cool.
  21. Iranian F-14s in Retrospect

    Thanks a lot! searching for it

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