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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Is possible to extract the DATA file for the A-4G DLC? I cannot make it appear on my extractor program. Thanks.
  2. Sukhois

    I like the news! well done guys!
  3. Interesting sistem the Russians are using on their planes. Now they are updating their naval Flankers with it. http://naval-flanker.livejournal.com/21786.html http://yurasumy.livejournal.com/701928.html
  4. I used the word GPS cause is noy a synonymus of satellital positioning.
  5. Yeah! Can you please post them here?
  6. Hahaha! Love the girl, well done mate! BTW, is possible to get a Soviet/Russian pilot in the orange vest?
  7. Great pics! Loved to see the Tunnan flying.
  8. Amazing work on those vehicles! I agree about their use once the new terrains were released, and I really love that type 88!
  9. I think is an updated T-38, at least in basic appeareance. Tought they already selected the M-346, but it seems I was wrong, also heard that the Scorpion was selected as the A-10 replacement.
  10. Thanks Marc and thanks to you as well, love the HIP, so I'm sure will love this bird.
  11. Well, not entirely true... http://www.acig.info/CMS/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=158&Itemid=47
  12. MCAS Iwakuni Friendship Day 2016

    Great pics mate, really great!!
  13. Is a nice theatre, cool to see it improved.
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  15. How many of you knew about these guys?

    My military history magazine had a two volume article on this group. Great story!
  16. Filipino Harriers? Nice idea mate, really looking forward to this terrain, I'm sure it will be an amazing addition, specially the third largest island in the world...
  17. img00018

    Will you share the FM?
  18. Another GFest is done. And I'm becoming famous...

    Glad you enjoyed the japan monsters festival, take care of that toe mate!
  19. EAW150 Installation download

    Got it working without a single problem. Game runs fine, and the custom options are a blast, now I only need to find where my controls are mapped cause I can't remember a single thing. Good work guys!!

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