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Everything posted by Stratos

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  5. What I find curious and a bit impressive is that hose NK pilots with so little training can control a fighter jet, some so unforgiving as a MiG-21.
  6. Have been around Iraq this weeks flying ODS, and I'm curious about teir land based air defenses. Anyone know which systems Iraq operated in 1991? If possible both AAA and SAMS. Thanks!
  7. USMC support on Khafji, Semper Fi!
  8. img00039

    From the album Stratos

  9. Iraqi air defenses in 1991?

    Not a bad price on Amazon so probably will get it. Thanks for the head up!
  10. Thanks a lot for the release and for including the spanish one, will tell you a small story. As a kid with 5 or 6 years my older brother got me a Lightning and a Hornet for my brother, shamelessly I stole the Hornet spanish markings to put them on my Lightining creating my first ever what if not even knowing what I was doing. lol
  11. Can't imagine how they will match both planes on a competition, but sure it will be fun to watch!
  12. Lovely release Spinners!! Thanks a lot! And nice work on the Spanish one!
  13. In fact the most I watch it the most I like it! Wish Spinners to spend some time on this little baby and release If possible.
  14. Surprisingly good in Italian colors, love the Baracca tail!
  15. Pretty interesting, man how I love the N.Vietnamese cammo on their MiGs!!
  16. Naaaaah! The skin is cool, but those egyptian roundels look so bad on my head lol Anyway well done on that skin!
  17. Then guys when you told me to add trees troguht TOD method what was the purpose? I would have seen trees correctly placed on a runway, but in the middle of a different one as all runways share same tile. Right?
  18. Excuse my ignorance regarding TODS, but is possible to add TODS to certain locations only, or the TODS will appear on all the same tiles? I will put an example, Imagine I want to add certain buildings to a factory, I don't need them to be destroyable or targetable so they can be TODS, but will those appear only on the factory I need them or will appear on all the rest of the map on the factory tile?
  19. Wondering IF someone can build this two model of trees as 3d models, they can be flat If needed, not need to get a full 3d model, what I mean is that I need them as objects with lo and skin so I can place them on my maps. If possible make a small line of them with 5 or 6 placed as a cluster so I can build lines of those trees easier. Thanks a lot!
  20. Yakarov helped me and I'm already planting the trees on my terrain. Thanks everyone!
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  22. mue tried the latest update, I can now open all the targets that made the editor crash in the past. Thanks a lot!
  23. Really Getting Kicked in the Ass

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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