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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. It's surprising how cool the Starfighter look in RAF markings.
  2. LA-19 Yastreb

    Well as a attack plane sounds cool, but those R-27 are huge for such a tiny plane. Anyway the cammo is fantastic and the cockpit looks cool too.
  3. Syrian MiG-21/23 up close

    Thanks for sharing. The 21 is a MF or a Bis?
  4. I'm getting nice results with my methos, is only some trees in 5 or 6 airbases, not affecting the FPS at the moment, simply will love to have the trees I posted but bigger.
  5. Then can someone please create this two trees for me?
  6. Excellent!! Wondering If someone can double the size and height of the tree in the attached rar please?? And the palm tree at least 3 or 4 times higher. Trees.rar Palm_Tree_Small.rar
  7. Let me try it please. I know nothing about TOD placement.
  8. Can be. Yakarov can those trees be less spaced and a bit more greenish?
  9. Excuse my english, maybe I not expressed myself correctly. What I want is something similar to this, the palm trees form a "X" with two flat faces, when seen in game so you have the impression is a real 3d palm tree when is not. I need the same but for the two trees on the opening post in small clusters like in the pic, so I can add eye candy to my airbases. Thanks a lot.
  10. Guys family fist. Raven enjoy your grandson, sure he looks very active... lol Kevin take care of your wife!
  11. Will try before uploading the terrain. Thanks mue! quack74 requested a key stroke to duplicate the last object placed, I think is a nice feature to have and will save a lot of time.
  12. Iraqi air defenses in 1991?

    Anyone know where the coallition planes were based during Desert Shield and Desert Storm? Cannot find a graphic for that.
  13. Thanks Mue! The latest update solved my problem with the objects, is now a lot easier to work with targets! I have a doubt, sometimes when I select a target area I get a CTD, it only happens in certain airfields, but is every time I click when happens. Any idea?
  14. Fortunately I saved a copy before the mod, cause I almost killed all my terrain. Just trying to add a airfield. :(
  15. Argh, I see what I'm making wrong. I'm not using Thirdwire TE, but TFDTool.
  16. How can I flatten an airfield? Using TFDTool I put all the heights on a box to 12, but in game I see that.
  17. Sometime sin different conflicts visual ID of enemy aircraft was mandatory before any engagement can be done. It was possible to reproduce this behaviour in SF? I tought in one "cheat", but hope is another way too, my idea is to limit the range of SAHM to visual area (what that range will be in SF2?) so foricng the player and the AI to close the distance before being able to engage. What do you guys think, another ideas?
  18. I tried it in single mission against US in Iraq, it doesn't seem to work as they spawn Sparrows and Phoenixes from long distance. Will keep trying.
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  20. Iraqi air defenses in 1991?

    The fascinating part of that war is that is the only late Cold War engagement including air, land and sea battles in a big scale. Simulating that war is a real fun scenario, specially since we can buff up Iraqi air force and air defenses so is more a match for coallition forces. DCS will be a great way to refight the war, but no terrain and we lack many planes, SAM's and AAA. (slowly improving like incoming F-14, AvB8...) BMS also nice, there's a theatre that can be updated to work on 4.33, have all planes and good avionics for the Viper, the Hornet and the Eagle, have other flyables as well, like A10, Tonka... SF2 terrain, planes and objects are there, we lack avionics.
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