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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Guys forget about raising money, it has been discussed before and it ain't gonna work, we CA and maybe even Capun site cannot raise enough money to buy the code from TK, I asked TK before and price was pretty high, out of our reach. Also we need to think that outside people will not be interested in putting money, as SF is outdated, so what we have left? Mod the game and see if that locked content can be used to develop better content for the game, Stary already exposed some excellent points, so we must wait and see what we can do. I think we need to search for those avionics/gameplay updates as 3d models, skins, campaigns, etc are already amazing. Imagine for example ODS big mod with proper NVG, A-G radar, working EOS systems... Where are we now? Only Mue knows how to open those locked files, I exposed here for everyont to see my mail to TK, I think everyone agrees in that he doesn't care what we do with his locked files but we have to do it right, so open those files and see what we can do with them, and then release a patch with the new updates that requires the original games installed, this way we get a updated sim, and TK does not lose his files. That's my 2 cents.
  2. Amen to that!!
  3. We need Mue to get things working here, If he wants to unlock those files. What make me curious is, what we will be able to do with those files? Avionics update?
  4. This is my last mail exchanged with TK in early 2014. As you can see he doesn't care what we do, BUT we CANNOT redistribute his files, how we can mod the sim and comply with his desires, not sure, cause I don't know what we can do with those files, Mue maybe can enlight us, but I tought a lot about it without luck, until recently when Benchmarksims the BMS makers just passed by something similar in the last weeks, and they finally created a patch that asks for a original Falcon 4 installation before installing anything. Can we make something similar? We mod the avionics (If that is possible) and when the patch is released before installs it asks for a original SF2 installation. What do you guys think? And what Mure think?
  5. Looks like a very nice book!! Sure Cocas can get lots of inspiration from there.
  6. Tommo & BMS changes to Falcon 4.0

    Good to see sorted, fortunatley I got my big box copy with full manual some years ago.
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  8. TK will tell you that all that money does not reach the 10% of the engine price.
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  10. Any update on this? I'm currently not editing as I cannot see the complete list. Or is there any work-around? Any way to see in screen the targets I want to add only so I can see them all in the screen? Thanks a lot.
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  16. Cool work. Wish I had some kinf of handcrafting habilities so I can replicate something like that.
  17. Please keep politics to the proper forum.
  18. Great skin, will like to see those birds in argentine markings, but IIRC only some of the planes will get the radar, 8 of 16 or soemthing like that.
  19. BTW, I've seen pics of the S.Hornet dropping a GBU while carrying a targetting pod. Is that functional? I mean can you use the TV display and hit the target using the laser? and at the same time can you carry and use properly A-A radar guided missiles?

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