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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. After seeing this post I had to try it in Il2 with BAT expansion. And well, the plane did far better than I expected at first being a good match for earlier Ki-43. It was fun, and your pics are really cool. Good work mate!
  2. Yes, Rends Germany IIRC that have buses, trucks and cars. Sorry but I never fully understood TODs so I don't know If my idea is feasible or not.
  3. It was done in GermanyCE terrain and the result was pretty good.
  4. We will need Great Lakes Freighters... BTW, this terrain made me tought on this wargame... http://www.avalanchepress.com/gamePlanCrimson.php
  5. Ever tought in adding small low poly cars in roads? So they simulate real traffic? Runs for cover...
  6. Looking forward to this terrain, will be great for COIN with light aircraft. Mandatory pic, early Kurnass in 1969...
  7. Nuclear Option

    Simply joking Falcon, don't take it too seriously.
  8. First thing I do on any ODS sim is to try adding Sparrows to the A Vipers.
  9. Very cool development and nice backstory there. Good work mate!
  10. Interesting concept! would be nice to see it developed. BTW, anyone remember when the RAF joined the Vietnam war?
  11. Sorry, but I don't understand what your plans are.
  12. Found this on the net and thought, now that's a interesting bird. Maybe a Canberra for all those countries that could not afford to operate the jets.
  13. Can someone recommend a good site to get my RGB values for camo schemes? Looking for South East Asia Cammo.
  14. Cause is Halloween! Will use those RAF colors then!
  15. You're wright, but sometimes I feel worse creating new threads for old questions. Regarding the rgb, how I miss Don Color.
  16. Anyone know the RGB values for the Armee de l'air Jaguars?

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