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Posts posted by Ernst

  1. Thanks everyone. I am going out of town for a few weeks and I will decide if I am to wait, or go ahead and give it a shot. My real concern was that I don't want to upset the good Phase II that I am running now and I read that I may need to first uninstall that one. I really do not want to do that just in case upon a needed reinstall it does not opearate the same.

  2. The ( Z ) Command on Keyboard it's a toggle, it appears as a bright Red Jumble of numbers in the upper left of your screen


    Everybody has a smooth fluid motion, flying over farmland at 10,000 feet, with no other aircraft in sight


    The trick is maintaining that smoothness in a rather large, dogfight. Or over an airfield, or heaven forbid, a dogfight over an airfield. That's where a few Gigs of RAM are welcomed, and can help-out the overburdened slow CPU


    The words 'SLIDE SHOW' become more than just words grin.gif


    In a blinding snow storm with three to four enemies the FPS average 25 close to the ground and 29 - 32 at my starting altitude of just a few thousand feet. Landing at a base after the fight averages 23. A fight directly over a friendly base at low altitude drops it down to 17, but even there the action is not jittery at all. A clearer summer sky raises everything up an average of 3 -5 FPS depending on the location and action.

  3. But are you sure you are on sliders 4 for terrain and scenery? That's usually only for higher end machines? Maybe you have no AA or Anisotropic filtering set or some other settings.. The system itself seems too low for that 1GB and a 6800GT?


    Yes, my sliders are on 4 for Terrain and Scenery Detail. They are set to 5 on the other three. The global settings for my 6800GT are:

    4x Anisotropic filtering

    2x AA


    Under the Adjustment for Image Quality tab I have it set for Balanced between Performance and Quality.


    Drivers: 190.62

  4. Well let's put it this way, can you finacially see your way clear to a NEW machine. Because That one, can be easily improved, ( but not running high settings )dntknw.gif


    I was planning to wait a while on getting a new computer. Actually, it is one of the last things I need right now. Since I will be holding on to this one for a while longer, what do you suggest would be my best path to improvement?

  5. Generally speaking, if your sliders are on 4 for Phase II, they'll be on 2 (or maybe even 1) in Phase III. Phase III still looks great at those levels, even with AA and AF turned off. There is so much going on the Phase III world that it needs raw CPU power more than anything.


    This is pretty much what I was expecting. I will need a very good system to run Rise of Flight to its best, but I was hoping to get by with what I currently have to attempt phase III. I think it would be marginal for me to do that though. I can be happy with Phase II for now.

  6. Well, my system is above what is considered a Low End system in all but memory, but not by much.


    Windows XP

    AMD 3400+

    2.45 GHz

    1.00 GB RAM

    Nvidia GeForce 6800GT - newest drivers

    Plenty of HD space


    Since it runs Phase II so flawlessly with very high and smooth frame rates, I was wondering how much more demanding is Phase III? I don't remember what the original recomendations to run Phase II were.


    If Phase III is anywhere as demanding as Rise of Flight, then I know for certain that my current machine is not nearly ready enough.

  7. I don't have a very high end machine by todays standards any longer, but I am able to run Phase II at the max slider settings for all but for Terrain and Scenery Detail which are on 4. Do you think I would have a shot at this Phase III, or would it be best for me to wait until I get a more up to date computer? I don't want to attempt an install and not be happy, then mess up an absolutely perfect running Phase II.


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