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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Do you actually watch profiles here?

    got to play a bit AA today, raised my honor to 37 :) but still a bit n00bish LOL.. it's been over 2 years since i last played i think, maybe more i'll keep on playin' later, you keep on voting!
  2. Happy Birthday To....

    Mazal tov!! :)
  3. Who is your best male lead vocalist?

    yep, they are truely amazing band! give them the worstsong in the world and they will turn into a gem! i'm very lucky to be able to hear them everyday
  4. Who is your best male lead vocalist?

    Bruce Dickinson is also a pilot...( i love "Die with your boots on" great song, of course Sonata Arctica's cover is better :D) someone should invite him here :)
  5. F-22 Display at Farnborough

    i liked the part the Raptor was flying really slow... that was very cool :) except that, nothing too special.. at least for me ^_^ thanks!
  6. 2 years to the War!

    link <S> to the fallen! and in hope those who were captured will return safely to their home as soon as possible. HaBanim
  7. 2 years to the War!

    pathology report indicate that Ehud died from fragment\s to his chest (i assume from the RPGs they fired at the humvees) Eldad died from a shot to the head (while trying to escape the humvee) they died the same day the were kidnapped! the news channel shows video footage of them with their company... and video from Ehud's wedding :( they also show the celebrations in beirut and lebanon...
  8. 2 years to the War!

    yes... it's them.. Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev as Mannie said, they kept the issue of their condition a secret till the last seconds no one knows yet whether they were alive or not since the kidnapping.. it's hezbollah's mind tricks, they are too good at this...
  9. 2 years to the War!

    SayWhat, the kidnapping of the 2 soldiers was the reason the war started... i agree with Mannie, vengeance must come! for the 2 soldiers and for every soldier and citizen that died because of hezbollah
  10. 2 years to the War!

    the bodies of 2 captured soldiers returned home to Israel today... it's now 121 KIA during the war may they RIP. sad thing but it's a closure for the families that waited a long time for this... in return they got 199 bodies of hezbollah terrorists and 5 live terrorists among them, the murderer Samir Kuntar (read his story, you will understand what kind of savages they are!) that can only show you that a body of an Israeli soldier worth more than live scum lebanese killers..
  11. You All See This From Over the Weekend?

    we have this channel that show content fro variuos channels and a moving strip line with news when i saw 9 soldiers were killed in Afghanistan i banged my hand on the table with anger! it's damn shame to hear about it! but at least the insurgents didn't overtake the base and they paid a real price for their stupidity hope its a lot more than the 40 you say Dave.. wish that all the insurgents were dead!
  12. Who is your best male lead vocalist?

    Tony Kakko - Sonata Arctica but of course :) ZP Threat - DragonForce, how ever... live on stage the band is not that good from what i've seen in youtube :\ Mike and Chester - Linkin Park - need i add more? Steven Tyler - Aerosmith... Anthony Kiedis - RHCP! Craig David is good... like his old songs... there are more that i'm forgetting i'm sure... but in my age it's OK to forget :P
  13. Wow!

    coooo-oool :)
  14. very cool... thanks! :]
  15. Here´s a lovely story!

    Fubar... they have the (so called) F-4 canopy so you can believe them... for sure :D i think they baught the canopy of an actual F-4, threw it somewhere and said : "hey, we shot down Israeli plane! we rock!#!@!"
  16. Demotivational Posters

    i totaly forgot about this one!
  17. Here´s a lovely story!

    very lovely story indeed... lolol i read about the Syrian and i can't help but laughing :) 1-1 ratio with F-15's and F-16's? Syrian v. Israeli pilots...? yeah.. right! :D
  18. Phantom Iranian Missiles...

    ohh never mind ^_^
  19. Pathetic...

    my thoughts exactly... what does the army expect from the company and it's workers? they have to cut corners to balance their loses when they bid the lowest... so human lives comes second.. a good company would have checked up every facility on the first case making sure that the second case never happens... i feel sorry for the families that their sons died in vain.. hope now it will never happen again!
  20. Oh no, WWIII!

    invasion to Iran, LOL :D
  21. Got iPhone?

    i have the regular iPhone for the time being.. very pleased with it.. does the job and more! :)
  22. R.I.P. Joseph Dwyer,

    very sad story... <S> hang in there muesli!
  23. F-22

    cool.... and thanks for sharing these awsome pictures!
  24. Back in the saddle (cockpit) again

    good to hear! :) Cheers

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