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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Cool Russian Navy video

    nice vid! the Flankers are beautiful :]
  2. at least he got out... unlike the paki.. anyways, thanks for the news!
  3. Bad Stuff

    i don't understand this racing thing... why?? like... can't you find a real track to race? :\
  4. that was one of the funniest movies... indeed a good choice :) part 2 was a parody of "Rambo"
  5. better news than previous topics.. lol thanks! :)
  6. The ‘Greatest Generation’

    lolol! good for him... we have the same problem in Israel lately, robbers and attackers of old people but this one showed them not to mess with him :)
  7. glad to hear the pilot walked out and was fine... what is up with all these latest crashes?? dang...
  8. Prowler crashes near Guam.

    the news about was already talked about.. but thanks anyway
  9. Lots of Birthdays Today

    Happy b-day guys! :]
  10. i don't think it was even published in israeli media.. ^_^
  11. K...

    LOLOL let him try... i'll tell him where to come :D just for you to know, this is probably a tool for them to infulence children to hate jews.. stupid MF's!
  12. Each dog has his day.

    good.. now all the rest of those sob's
  13. OWNED !

    OWNEDDD big time :D
  14. Ooo

    cool... but i'm not using my X-45 so...
  15. not to change the focus on the idiot of the top story we have the same problem in Israel, in greater scales than you can think of! we have members of the Kneset (Israeli parlament) supporting our enemies in plain sight infront of the cameras, left winged members of our citizens are protesting with palestinianes near the border to help and aid people in the Gaza strip while they keep launching Kasam rockets at Sderot!! they protest with the same people calling us to leave thier land and wants us dead! groups that interfere with soldiers work in the borders and complain "bad" behavior to keep the palestinians rights the same people who are trying and sometime succeeding in bombing innocent people like we had last week in Dimona! an officer had to shoot the injured Terrorist cause he kept trying to activate his device even when he got treated by Israeli doctors and medics... to tell you the truth, your situation is better... once in a while you have an idiot that keeps reminding you that there are enemies from whitin not only from the outside! Sag, if i had the money i'd pay the fuel\pilot my self just to see that happening :P
  16. that's what happen when your giving some people to many rights that they do not disserve! send him back home on a bomb carrying point of an CF-18 or something :P
  17. <S>

    I'm hoping that you will get a hold of him ot his remains.. sad story indeed and there are too many of them... <S>
  18. Just Noticed This...

    very impressive... :)
  19. I spent hours working on this

    yeah.. a bit! LOLOL
  20. My second anniversary soon...

    Mazal tov :]

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