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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. On a Good Note.....

    Mazal tov :)
  2. new computer innards

    enjoy the new computer... hopefully i'll buy one soon :)
  3. Still a FAVORITE!

    nice vid... :] nothing wrong with that it's prbably not the AIM-9X but the AIM-9X and the Python 4 can shoot down enemies 180 degrees from the nose, Python 5 can do it 360 degrees.
  4. it looks like he survived... probably a helo was sent right away! thanks for the vid.
  5. thanks guys! it really means a lot to read your replies... <S>
  6. Strange Bedfellows

    1. i want that pic of the lady with the Tavor :D 2. don't believe everything that is in www.isayeret.com and from experince with the Uzi, MP5 is much much better :) i don't think there is any special forces unit (western of course) that don't use the MP5... :)
  7. MIRAGE 2000 hooligan's in Morrocco

    i don't won't to be that trucker ^_^ LOL great vid.. great flying!
  8. Premature mortar ouchy for Jihadi

    goood sh*t and more is better!!! :)
  9. Happy Birthday, BABY!

    kinda sad b-day... being out of service :( anyways... one of my favories no matter what or when :) Cheers
  10. It's kinda hard to pick one jet when there are so many to choose from ^_^ I like the American jet's more than the rest, F-15 is my favorite 1 wing landing with no fatal injuries! damn thats one good jet :)
  11. This is a serios Doorgun

    that's some hardcore sh*t LOL :)
  12. Now Aint This A Kick In The 'Nads?

    that kinda stories pi$$ me off... hope that idiot stays a long time in jail they should add law of extra time in preason when hurting members of the army! fast recovery for your son and his friend!! and Happy holidays Cheers
  13. Cows=Carnivores

    uncooked? :| that's kinda funny.. ^_^
  14. Interesting photo

    beautiful :) what the Blackbird did here in 73? ^_^
  15. toasting the bad guys with pin point accuracy :) GJ to Boeing if they pull it of!
  16. here is the story :) if you might remember it's like the helo pilot who gave pizza to his girlfriend with his helicpoter LOL
  17. 1st Rafale lost

    his poor family :\ any article in english of the story??
  18. Remember

  19. How could I forget?

    Happy Hanuka anf Happy holidays :) Cheers
  20. French Air Force MIRAGE F1

    they are crazy SOB's LOL :| but great vid!!

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