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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Strange Bedfellows

    Masher, i heared the TAR-21's were made in the U.S. they were shipped back to the U.S. for repairs and they returned to Israel for further testing and action the Industries in Israel provide thousands of jobs closing them will mean more unemployment... i don't remember any talks about replacing the Merkava tanks with M1A1's or 2's... btw, Israel uses German made submarines (we got some for free) and we do have MP5 or so i've heared (great weapon i might add.. too bad i didn't have any chance yet to shoot with one ^_^) Cheers
  2. Another MOH Winner Dies...

    second that... doing something that heroic and dangerous twice on the same day he is a true hero!! RIP <S>
  3. Final Post On My Father

    I just wanted to add that we would be honored to hear stories from your father's service i'm sure he had quite a few...
  4. lolol escorting an airliner ^_^ some action to see during flight
  5. Final Post On My Father

    this kind of honor is well deserved! gives me strong feeling as a soldier myself <S>
  6. Col Jefferson DeBlanc, USMCR (ret) MOH

    Amazing story of an amazing aviator! reading this gave me goose bumps <S>
  7. i'm at base as part of my duty connected to my home pc through explorer :) checked my emule downloads.. and surfing here a bit cool P.S. got Sergeant First Class over 2 weeks ago feeling the end of my mandatory service and the start of my permanent service!!! Cheers
  8. the great wonders of technology :)

    thanks Mannie :) i out ranked my father even after he finished his reserve duties LOL ^_^
  9. For the Flanker fans

    the F-22 was offered to Israel as silence gift (for the Americans to sell guided bombs to Saudi Arabia) don't know what happened.. time might tell us :) nice info page of the flankers :D
  10. i have a little problem in the first video, saw only a minute and 15 seconds only but i got the picture :) i liked the PumpIt vid more from the Sun Kings Squadron Cheers
  11. More Birhtdays

    Mazal TOV :)
  12. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday! :)
  13. Hit with dictionary

    old stuff :) LOL
  14. Back home at last...

    beautiful pictures!
  15. Ouch!

    damnnnn :| hope the guys who got injured make it out ok... nasty stuff
  16. RAF F-35 Helmet...

    holy sh*t LOLOL... some helmet!
  17. Rules of the Air

    great rules :) LOL
  18. thanks for the news... hope the pilot made it out ok..
  19. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    I want a picture with the F-22 too!! ^_^ anyways here's my pictures at base, this photo was taken as part of gift for someone who finished her service at "Pazan" (Northen central command) in Zfat... me sitting on the "Sufa 2" (Storm) vehicle half year later i've visited there in the War ("2nd Lebanon war") as supporter of an operational system BTW i got promoted to SFC
  20. http://www.keshet-tv.com/VideoPage.aspx?Me...&CatID=1222 since they explain in hebrew i'll tell ya the story a mortar squad is firing at Israeli city from an elementary school in Bet Hanoon the IDF was monitoring the squad unable to get them while firing fearing of harming kids in the school after they took off, the squad was hit...

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