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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. lucky pilots..! good to read and hear they made it out OK!
  2. Happy Birthday To......

    Happy birthday man!!
  3. Over 100,000 Post Mark

    for many more posts, files and downloads :)
  4. I need a programmer!

    if i would find the time for it i'll do it (in C# if you won't mind.. requires .NET Framework 2.0)
  5. i get this message Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken. when i opened the link in IAD/IDFAF pilot exchange topic it went into this link http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=0 quick fix will be appreciated :)
  6. the problem still exists in other topics last thing i got is this link http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=0 while trying to open this one http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/916335.html (original thread http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=22949 ) maybe problem in my account or something ^_^ thanks for help BUFF!
  7. lolol that's irony!! and if they think that's whats goibg to help defend their nukes.... mid 80's tech and chinese manufactur!! GOOD ONE :P
  8. interesting.... thanks for the news :)
  9. Hey guys

    lolol :) תתקין עברית כבר יא עצלן :P
  10. Happy B'arfday to

    Happy b-day :)
  11. 21 long years with no new information about the missing IAF navigator Ron Arad I published this topic 3 years ago... might remind you his sad story :( this site, http://www.10million.org tells the story of those who did not come back let's hope that someday soon they will!
  12. 21 years in captivity... Ron Arad!

    yes... the pilot was rescued before they got to him too and no, nothing reliable since 1987-8 (the last letter he sent to his family here at home)
  13. She's airborne....

    good news :) thanks for the vid BUFF
  14. Which type of song?

    Sonata Arctica (says it all.. no? :) they are Metal Band (various types of it.. heavy, prog,melodic) DragonForce (they have good songs you should listen to them too...) Nickleback Linkin Park RHCP and more (some R&B, Rock...)
  15. Do I get a watch or something?

    no thanks... already used to it.. ^_^
  16. Do I get a watch or something?

    then what do i get? :)
  17. Great Website

    looks nice... thanks
  18. Happy Birthday To...

    Mazal tov mates! :D
  19. hi everyone

    welcome :)
  20. Happy Birthday Marine Corps!!

    he bumped it from 2 years ago... can't you see?
  21. Son Is Home Safe and Sound

    Good to hear this good news Mazal tov and Cheers :)
  22. P-51 Fly in photos

    nice... thanks btw, Mustangs can fly in the air too :P
  23. The British Army's sim setup

    intresting... thanks!
  24. The officer (ranked Major) was driving in Israeli territory to settlement in the Shomron area after missing a turn he continued to Jenin (that is under full palastinian authority), not knowing where he headed. A mob that noticed the soldier started attacking and linching him and his vehicle (burning the vehicle to the ground) a single policeman spotted the event and managed to obtain the soldier from the mob, while calling backup during the event shots were fired to the air during the rescue... The policemen brought him eventually to Israeli forces waiting outside the city. He didn't need any medical treatment... f***ing miracle...! miracle! the otherday 2 terrorists entered Israeli border near Gaza, both shot by Golani troop (infantry division) after trying to attack a base nearby and on the run yesterday they send 6 kids the same spot for intel during the last few months Hamas gained 40 tons of explosives.... in strikes and activities inside Gaza terrorists are killed daily!! 6 were killed in on strike on a sniping group in a picup truck ( video was released from this strike!! you might find it in one of the news web sites. along with other stories...) lucky all this actions are with no major causalties for us... let's hope that stays that way!!

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