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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. LOLOL sponsered by McDonald's!
  2. Nasa Dryden pics

    thanks Hawker :)
  3. Iran's latest....

    should i laugh or cry? lololol
  4. Kofff !Koff!

    Kof = monkey in hebrew LOL
  5. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    they have nothing? that's a load of cr*p excuse me... but when politicians coming from egypt with millions of $$$ in suitecases, CASH! when Arrafat that ugly SOBMF was in control he took millions into his own pocket instead of giving it to his people when the terrorists buy weapons and explosives for a holly war where do you live? on this planet? they get everything we can possibly can give... even jobs in Israel! even terrorists are treated in our Hospitals! if they wanted better lives for themselvs thier government should stop terrorists acts against us and start taking care of thier people!!! just this satuarday bombing was prevented in Yom Kipur! before the next holiday (Sukot, this wednesday)....
  6. Kofff !Koff!

    that's low alright... but why say monkey monkey? :P
  7. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    viper, how do you know what the pilot got for that error? it is a sad result that people die for no reason... i'm sure that every pilot and every soldier making a mistake and killing none related\civilians feels very bad about it but when terrorists use women and children as human shield, that's not the pilots fault (no matter what's his nation)
  8. Happy Birthday

    Congrats guys... :)
  9. Happy new year everyone :)

    We are now in a new Jewish year... so Happy Rosh Hashana. have a good, quiet and peaceful year Cheers everyone
  10. Happy Birthday Hrntfixr

    Happy b-day man :)
  11. Helicopter sims

    ohh.. i remembered something... the new Lo-Mac (named "Black shark" i think) going to have the Ka-50 or Ka-52... check it out :)
  12. Happy new year everyone :)

    Ghost, where is your daughter staying?? :) Jedi, you have jewish relatives?
  13. Helicopter sims

    I think the first Enemy Engaged Comanche vs Hokum was very good for it's time.. didn't try the newer one :| you have Flight Sim X for just flying arround, didn't try that either good luck with that :)
  14. Happy new year everyone :)

    thanks guys... :) Mannie, stay safe as well, that goes for everyone!
  15. 1 is critical 3 other are in very bad shape all other were luckier... with minor to medium injuries the rocket hit "Zikim" basic boot camp at 2 A.M. most of the injured men and women were in the last day of boot camp on thier way home for the Rosh Hashna Holiday the camp is located a few kilometers from Gaza (near the city of Ashkelon) soldiers there train in the most basic rifleman skill in the IDF (as non combat soldiers) they got more action than they thought :\ hope all of them will be ok... not a good way to spend the Holidays :|
  16. F-11 Tiger shoots itself down

    i read about it in an Aircraft book years ago... thats damn funny :)
  17. Nine eleven is here again.

    <S> we remember guys, we do not forget what happened that sad day that claimed the lived of thousands for no reason in the name of war that fanatics lead against us...
  18. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    Assad for Peace with Israel as Damascus Calls Reserves Syria was reportedly calling its reserve forces as its president Bashar Assad said he is working for peace with Israel, denying charges of channeling Iranian weapons to Lebanon's Hizbullah. The Daily newspaper an-Nahar, in an un-attributed report, said Syria has "called to service part of its reserve force." Meanwhile, Assad told CBS: "We call for peace talks. We had peace talks 15 years ago … We work for peace with Israel … Our land is occupied and we need peace to regain our land." He denied charges that Syria was channeling Iranian weapons to Hizbullah, saying Damascus supports the party "politically because they have a just cause." "We have not allowed Iran to provide Hizbullah with Weapons and missiles. Where is the evidence for such a charge?" Assad asked. He said charges regarding Syria's involvement in smuggling weapons to Hizbullah in Lebanon "have been made for a year. Intelligence services, probably from all over the world, operate on the Lebanese side of the border with Syria and the Israelis fly over Lebanon … I told them provide us with a single evidence that we have sent one missile to Hizbullah. These are fake claims." Syria, Assad said, supports Hizbullah politically. "We do not provide anybody with safe haven. They have their safe haven among the Lebanese people. This is the source of their strength," Assad said. "As for support, this depends on the kind of support. We have good relations (with Hizbullah) and we support herm politically because they have a just cause," he added. Assad also denied that Damascus airport is being used by terrorists as a springboard to fight the U.S. forces in Iraq. "They enter illegally across the border and we've managed to arrest them," Assad stressed. Asked to comment on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadenjad's call to wipe Israel off the Map, Assad said: "This is freedom of speech. Any person in the world has the right to express himself freely. This is just an expression." http://www.naharnet.com/domino/tn/NewsDesk.nsf/0/09B7C0FB72353A5EC22573510022A88C?OpenDocument
  19. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    now published in an israeli news site A Syrian officer from their intel core, ranked Captain, says after talking to his colleague in the station that picked up the aircrafts he said to the officer they came from Turkey might be carrier based jets or from a base placed in Turkey... he also said that they didn't drop any bombs... only disposeble fuel tanks
  20. Happy Birthday To..........

    Happy B-day mikey :)
  21. Nuclear Ops...or Ooops?

    roger that Falcon and Typhoi, thanks :)
  22. Nuclear Ops...or Ooops?

    read about it... i was suprised to hear that B-52's are still in service, thought they were out already :| from what i understand, the problem was that the nukes were armed during the flight, that's the big ohh ohh
  23. Syria engages Israeli Aircraft

    yeah, loads of crap by the syrian's, wanting to flame the area giving them a good reason to engage.... hope they will STFU and stay in thier side... not flaming the area more than it already is
  24. It's weird seeing a Pig ACTUALLY used in a combat role...

    ohh man... nice hits :)

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