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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. I Touched a Piece of US History Today

    thanks! nice pictures... and a nice history lesson..
  2. Just looking back

    that's one beatuiful car man... all i'm driving is a Mazda 323, sharing it with my big brother and father :|
  3. it is very ironic, a lot of times someone say "this is my last act" and they die doing it for the last time... :\
  4. Hehe, BUSTED!

    LOLOL what an idiot ^_^
  5. Miss South Carolina

    one dumb beautiful blond LOLOL :)
  6. hard choise... :| kinda confusing you call the Indian Air Force as IAF... usually means Israeli Air Force :)
  7. Holy Moly!

    guys guys guys, he is not 49...!! he is 18 with 31 years of experience
  8. out of power? we could only hope... they gained full control over the Gaza strip, exiling or killing every military\poilce force led by president Abbas BTW, UnHappy birthday to Gilad Shalit!!! today it's his 21st birthday, 2nd one in Captivity :( 429 days in the hands of those f***ing terrorists!!
  9. Holy Moly!

    Mazal tov :)
  10. but for example, Hamas, was elected to govern the Palasetinian people by the people (yes, they are that stupid) instead of leading their country to peace they are leading it to chaos and anarchy...
  11. I have $500M I don't know what do do with...

    rich people problems.... wow what a cool space shuttle, only 1.6 billion $? ok why not...? seems cheap I'LL BUY!!
  12. On a Sad Note...

    damn :( i can't even think what one might say hearing this horibble news... <S>
  13. Happy Birthday Madjeff

    Happy b-day MJ :) Mazal TOV!!
  14. i have a hard time to think something major could have happened.... maybe it just me ^_^
  15. Why Why Why Why Why?

    people are dumb by nature... how do we even survive? :\ and who gave that woman a drivers license??? haa? KILL HIM!
  16. Too much work, not enough play

    Congrats about the wedding... hope the work overflow will end soon :)

    wow.... lucky it ended well...
  18. Poll about the various languages forums here...

    I'll tell ya why i added such odd poll here is the Hebrew Forum here you see the first thread there it has 257 (for now) views i'm wondering if it's Israelis or people here try to learn hebrew
  19. Got Word From The Navy

    at least he got his wish! <S>
  20. Happy Birthday to....

    Happy b-day :)
  21. Yes Folks.....Its National Aviation Day

    i want to fly!!! ^_^ only flew in my Bar Mitzva trip about 8 year ago LOL :)
  22. Lots of B-days Today

    Happy b-day guys :) Mazallll Tov

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