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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Happy 4th of July guys for many more happy and good years to come! with haappines and joy to all... Cheers!
  2. Waddington airshow 2007

    very nice.. thanks!! :)
  3. What to see on the road....

    from the first picture i thought it crashed LOL.. nice.
  4. Enhanced F-22 Demo Video

    thanks... :)
  5. taken by Abir Sultan, IDF Spokesman office enjoy
  6. LOLOL but the Syrians got MiG-29's
  7. Extreme Home Makeover - Iraq Edition

    LOLOLOL that's one show i want to see all the time... 50 mil viewers on the 1st season :P
  8. Sounds interesting... keep us informed ^_^
  9. לצערינו ילדים היום לא יודעים כלום חחח לא נורא יהיה בסדר מה עם עוד אנשים? (אל תעלב מני P:)
  10. an IDF soldier, taken in the line of Duty near Gaza after an attack on his tank killing 2 of his crew members. and two more weeks to the Start of the Second Lebanon War and kidnapping of Ehud Goldvaser and Eldad Regev after an attack on their convoy potroling the border!!! may they return safe to thier homes as soon as possible!
  11. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=15d_1182766490
  12. רק לפני כמה זמן דיברתי עם מנהל האתר של פריפלייט חח אתה יכול לזרוק לינק אבל לדעתי הקהילה הישראלית מאוד בעייתית לרוב זה ילדים שחושבים שהם באמת טייסי קרב חחחח :)
  13. yep... today the kidnappers released an audio tape of Gilad talking about whats going on... so obvious they told him what to say (like common, try to be smart..)!!
  14. July Calendars Are Up

    nice.... thanks!! :)
  15. Just saying Hi to a great site and community...

    Welcome to the site and forums... enjoy ur stay :)
  16. The U.S.A.F. Airborne Laser aircraft sits on the tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington June 21, 2007. The modified 747 aircraft uses a high-energy Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser to generate an energy beam from the aircraft's nose to intercept and destroy a hostile ballistic missile during the boost phase of its trajectory. The U.S.A.F. Airborne Laser aircraft sits on the tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington June 21, 2007 source:
  17. Son Is Now Deployed

    let's hope he'll come back home safe and sound from his tours over there!! <Salute>
  18. nice photos... i liked the Blackhawks :) you can compress the photos and upload the comressed files to www.rapidshare.com or other upload site such as RS thanks!!
  19. How the heck did you come up with that?

    Nesher (נשר) means Eagle in Hebrew :)
  20. Happy Birthday Too

    Happy birthday guys :)
  21. A ride of a lifetime

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/odd_wheelchair_...WMO15Iji8JsaMYA damnnn :|
  22. The Hermes 900 UAV Elbit Systems unveils the Hermes 900, a new medium altitude long endurance (MALE) UAV mid-size platform. The Hermes 900 weighs 970kg (maximum takeoff weight) and has a wingspan of 15 meters. The new aircraft features larger multi-payload configurations (up to 300kg), higher flight altitude and extended flight time -- without the need for external fuel tanks. The Hermes 900 system supports numerous missions and specialized applications such as electro-optics, IR imaging laser range finder and laser designation as well as SAR/GMTI, Comint DF and ELINT. http://www.weaponsurvey.com/ IMHO it looks like the Global hawk or the Predator... Cheers
  23. My pit

    very very nice :)
  24. Well, I think I'm done...

    very nice.. :) enjoy it..!
  25. Something Worth Reading

    it's hard reading these articles... it pains me like they were soldiers here! may they rest in peace S!

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