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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. I've Moved House

  2. The US military is developing a robot with a teddy bear-style head to help carry injured soldiers away from the battlefield. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6729745.stm
  3. F-16 Thrust Vectoring

    i've seen this vid a long time ago... as you can see this was taken from a Discovery show, i have it somewhere on one of my cd's :)
  4. We need you.

    i'd be happy to help... who remembered me as Hebrew talking? ha? :)
  5. הפתעה אפילו לי שקיבלתי פה ניהול חחח מה קורה? :) חוקים: אסור לקלל באנגלית... מותר בעברית במילא אף אחד לא מבין סתם סתם חחחח
  6. damn.. :| thanks for the article
  7. Happy Birthday To........

    congrats man!! Happy birthday and Mazal Tov
  8. Red Flag Alaska

    have a good time, try not to work too much...
  9. KC-135 crazy low level pass

    i think i've seen this before... but still it's amazing!! thanks
  10. Memorial Day Weekend

    may the fallen Rest in Peace!! and those who serve today will come back home safe and sound
  11. What Branch of Service should you be in!

    U.S Coast Guard :\
  12. Have you seen this?

    it's a known story in the Israeli AirForce (why shouldn't be? :)
  13. St Pauli Girl...

    i barely see the girls :(
  14. What's wrong with this video...?

    cool vid, thanks :)
  15. 75,000 Post

    that's beacuse your a spammer
  16. 75,000 Post

    took us long enough LOL congrats
  17. Funny vid

  18. Funny vid

    lucky you hehe :)
  19. Tomcat Fans

    very nice vid, thanks! :)
  20. Funniest film scene ever

    there are lots of funny movies with good scenes, like "Eurotrip" one of the best... :)
  21. This is Funny

    LOLOLOL :) that is funny!
  22. Meow

    great photo!! thanks btw. my desktop is F-!4 too :)
  23. Other Flight Sim Sites

    a long time ago i used to visit Jane's USAF forum in SimHQ and GulfKnight's web site and forums... didn't fly sims for a long time as well :\ and i bought X-45 and i ain't using :|||
  24. Today we (the Israeli people) remember 22,305 men and women killed in wars and fights and terror attacks since 1860. (the year when jews living in Israel began building outside the walls of Jerusalem) This year 233 people were added to list, 119 of them died during the "Second Lebanon War". Bitter and Sweet mixed together, hoping the bitterness will end soon and for sweeter days to come...! to all our allies and good friends as well.

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