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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Happy Birthday To

    Happy b-day :) congrats
  2. A Day before Israel's 59th Independence Day

    it was there since i added the current signature...
  3. N. Korean SPECOPS training video

    they are
  4. Dancing Pilots

    funny as hell LOLOLOL!! :)
  5. Blue Angel crash

    damn.... it was his first demo flight and it was almost over :\ what a waste..
  6. My new son...

    Cute one! :) Congarts and Mazal tov man... Cheers!
  7. A must see!

    good for you me love explosives too ^_^
  8. truely amazing photo!! thanks
  9. Check This out

    Jedi, the Comanche was stealthy so that's much better than the Apache Longbow any aircraft can be shot down by RPG... but the RPG is not guided... it needs to be in a straight path to the aircraft
  10. New Computer Background

  11. Check This out

    it's pity cause the U.S. spent if i remember correctly more than 20 bilion $$$ on the dang thing and then they cancelled it :\ thanks for the update... i really liked the EECH and EEAH... great sims
  12. Ummm Yeah

    OMG how stupid can you be???
  13. Inflatable Decoys

    nice.. it's very interesting... thanks :)
  14. The Eurofighter Typhoon combat jet is to receive a major update, gaining the ability to effectively attack ground targets – a thing it currently cannot do. The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced today that the governments of Britain, Spain, Italy and Germany have agreed to pay the Eurofighter consortium £830m to sort out the controversial wonder-plane. "The MoD has taken another significant step to equip the Royal Air Force with the capability it requires by signing a contract to transform RAF Typhoon fighters," says the MoD, tacitly admitting that the Eurofighter is not what the RAF requires. Current Eurofighters – when they finally go operational later this year – will be pure air-superiority platforms, good only for fighting other aircraft using advanced missiles such as AMRAAM. They have taken 22 years to develop. The MoD anticipates a final UK procurement cost of £20bn based on 232 planes for the RAF, which would work out at £86m per airframe. eurofighter on the groundHowever, the RAF only plans to establish seven Typhoon squadrons, which would mean an operational fleet of 140-odd. The remaining 90-plus aircraft would have to be mothballed if 232 were bought. This has already happened in the past with other RAF planes ordered in excessive numbers, such as the Tornado F3 and the Nimrod MR1. If all 232 are delivered, the cost to the taxpayer per Typhoon in RAF service would be an eye-watering £140m. Understandably, there is speculation that the partner nations may decide to cancel the third tranche of orders. That would result in the UK getting 144 jets and save perhaps £2bn from the total British bill, leaving individual Typhoons price-tagged at £125m each. No matter how you look at it, the Eurofighter is a very expensive piece of kit and will need to work hard to justify its cost. But air-to-air combat doesn't crop up all that often nowadays. Military jets spend most of their operational time blowing up targets on the ground. With British troops in Afghanistan calling for airstrikes on an almost daily basis, the RAF will be keen to make sure that its latest toy can get in on the action. The UK's share of the upgrade bill is reportedly £325m, which puts the cost of fixing up each plane at a mere million or two quid, a snip compared to the cost of buying it in the first place. This enhancement will certainly make the Eurofighter more useful, but it's questionable if anything can make it cost-effective. As a comparison, the UK plans to buy US-made F-35 Lightning II strike planes as well. These planes aren't as manoeuvrable as a Eurofighter, but they can carry AMRAAMs perfectly well. In many ways they're much better than the European super-jet: they'll have stealth, for instance, and probably vertical-landing jump-jet capability too. The price of a Lightning II? Currently estimated below £55m per plane, less than half the likely price of a Eurofighter. Against competition like this, it'll take more than an upgrade to make the Typhoon look like a good deal. (TheRegister) IMHO nothing like american made jets! :) Cheers
  15. Generals

    LOLOLOLOLOL :) damn it geni, and i thought i'm lacking in tact ^_^
  16. Iran situation

    Let me ask you this, why 3 Israeli soldiers that were in Israeli territory when they were kidnapped can't spend Passover at their homes? the holiday which celebrates freedom!! if the world (by that I mean the U.N.) did anything to fight this acts back then, the Iranians would event think about kidnapping sailors in any territory I hope all of them come back safe and sound... the Israeli and the British Soldiers!!! <S!>
  17. (hope you can see the picture) new Israeli made Insertion vehicle for SF... The AXE make a long story short, after searching for vehicle suiting the SF and no match Mazi (the Land Forces HQ in the IDF) began to engineer a new vehicle and this is the result the vehicle can carry 9 troops with full gear (up to 3.5 tons) designed for regular roads and rough terrains accessing high speeds other countries are intrested... maybe the U.S. Army or USMC will have it in the future or other armies in the world. Cheers!
  18. nice idea RedDevil but the vehicle if for insertion the troops in it can carry the nadelauncher (M203 on an M16 or TAR-21 in the not so far future) about the 50 cal, soldiers can carry M249 or Negev (IMI) instead...
  19. Look Who's 35 Today....USAFMTL

    Happy B-Day..!! Congrats :) no one noticed my birthday 2 weeks ago ^_^
  20. Armor Sims?

    not the place to ask... anyways, try looking at gaming sites like gamespot... the latest i've seen was Iron Warriors (about the T-72) .. :|
  21. Hope to make friends with you~

    welcome... this a great site for a sim fan! don't worry about your English, they are used to my screwed up English... HEHE :) there are people here from all over the World for instance i'm from Israel.. Cheers
  22. One Way to Steal Technology

    good way you mean LOL thanks for the story :)
  23. Ya'll Take Care

    Hope everything will be ok...! Good luck and have a fast recovery Cheers :)

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