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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Never Again!

    “THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. THEN THEY CAME for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. THEN THEY CAME for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.” (Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984))
  2. Never Again!

    every year, thousands of Israeli students, soldiers and civilians visit this site to never forget the 6 million Jews and other millions who were killed by the Nazis because of their religion, race, illnesses and many more reasons to preserve the "Aryan race" it is a reminder to the free world what will happen if we ever forget the moment humans lost their humanity!
  3. Historic air show in Iran

    future target? :P
  4. Portugals new drone

    hahaha good one :)
  5. Update of me and my treatments

    hope the last round will be the only last round! good luck and keep on the fight!!
  6. Released Cockpit Voice Recording

    LOL :)
  7. indeed great, they are flying the superbug, right?
  8. Food for Thought; A Flight Sim for the Ages

    the system says I'm here from May 2003, about the time I was 17 years old (about 2 year before I enlisted to the IDF, finished my service after 5.5 years and 1 war as a MSgt.) I don't fly at all.. don't even have a decent machine for that.. but still love being here maybe one day my children will be here, flying better sims than us, just look for NesherJr. as their nick :)
  9. Welcome Home Viggen

    welcome home man, glad to hear you're back safe and sound hope your new routine will be easier to get into :)
  10. Knew this would happen.............

    she is hot!!
  11. The Israel Air Force strengthened considerably with the arrival of the "Samson" plane, the new generation C-130J Super Hercules. This new acquisition will give the IDF a major strategic advantage against those who seek to threaten the security of Israel—those both near and far. Colonel A., deputy commander of the unit in charge of the "Samson," reveals the capabilities of this new transport plane.
  12. Samson is here

    we have a missile named Delilah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delilah_(missile) :)
  13. Samson is here

    for a name or choosing the C-130J?
  14. A tragic tale

    what was the pilots condition after they were rescued? sometimes bad luck joins with poor decision making and not so happy ending at least it sounds they made it out alive!
  15. Then there is this idiot.....

    hope for a speedy recovery to all the people who were hurt...
  16. Another round tomorrow and other things

    go kick some cancer ass!
  17. Happy Birthday Wrench

    Happy b-day Kev!
  18. My Newest Acquisitions

    very nice Dave, she has a very nice taste!! :)
  19. Active shooter FT Hood Texas

    Again? when this will be over?! RIP.
  20. saw it when it was aired :)

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