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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. jeanba, it's because they say it 100 times per minute.. every video no matter what happens
  2. Aircraft Carrier Decks 2014

    very interesting.. didn't know some of the countries that operate the beasts of steel of course the American carriers are the largest :)
  3. saw it on 9GAG (by mistake) and thought I'd share here :) I also saw Playboy's first kiss parody on the same page haha
  4. The Good and Bad news....

    keep up the fight, hope the clot will be treated properly!
  5. USS Miami to be scrapped...

    what a shame!!
  6. Post random things thread

    justified reaction! hahaha, poor little ba**ard :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrAcV2ywnqc
  7. I hate that they scream "Allah Wackbar".. if god was so great and mighty he would smite Assad's forces long ago so STFU :X they are flying pretty low, one SAM could do the job right!
  8. And With That..........

    sorry for your loss and Sheila's as well, take comfort that he does not suffer anymore.. RIP Sgt!
  9. New gunshot wound treatment

    I read about it a month ago, very nice idea.. hope it will really help the soldiers out there!
  10. Boston Fire Dept 2 L.O.D.D.

  11. F-35B Air show demo 2014

    not too bad :)
  12. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    sad news Dave.. hang in there!!
  13. Happy Birthday Dave!

    Happy birthday you ODB :)
  14. Half point of my treatments

    joining the wishing as well..
  15. heard about it earlier.. let them have each other.. :)
  16. Iran`s new Aircraftcarrier

    ohh no! what will we do?
  17. F-16 Aggressors down under

    nice video... I really really like the aggressors' paint schemes!
  18. CSAR men

  19. Formation flying

    no matter what goes on in this project LM can sure make videos nice one!
  20. BAD ASS crop dustn'

    the vid reminded me that the same type of crop plane was flying near my home base.. he flying low but not as low as this kid, skilled pilot no doubt! thanks :)
  21. what a story! it's good they managed to restore the aircraft and for a cheap price I might add and the numbers, damn... 47 hours of maintenance for every hour in the air, f**k me! :)
  22. wonder what they'll do to the old aging Vipers, hope they won't end up as QF-16s sounds like a great way to insure the base stays operational for many years but not with a 100% certainty thanks for the article
  23. You know when it's the devil

    at first I was like.. "WTF" and then I remember it's an old one haha
  24. Rest in Peace.


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