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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Like my new toy?

    IS NICE!!
  2. Mach 3 SR-71 breakup

    what a survival story, it is truly amazing!!
  3. Nice Landing

    looks like his hovering towards that landing hahaha great one!
  4. A very special flight...

    I had goosebumps after reading this.. thanks for sharing!
  5. F-35 Hangar Dedicated to P-38 I really liked it and as always, great video by Lockheed Martin!
  6. B-2A with MOP

    wow, that's freaking huge :)
  7. The Marine Corps Marathon

  8. A flight over Afghanistan, at night

    sounds like a heck of an experience.. :) stay safe man!!
  9. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    Dave, I don't know if there are any words that can help in such hard times but my hope and prayers are with your father in law, may he beat this horrible disease! lost my grandfather (father's side) and grandmother (mother's side) to that damn disease and heard about a lot of good people fighting it... hope he has enough strength to fight it hard! all the best,
  10. using the chemicals? I can't be sure of anything, luckily I'm far away from the fighting to see in person.. but since Assad doesn't care about his own people it's with high probability that he is the one who used the weapons..
  11. Navy/USMC Phantom pics

    awesome pictures :)
  12. Close....

    too damn close.. lucky it ended how it did!
  13. P-51 down

    indeed sad! RIP.
  14. after using chemical weapons on his own people, are you surprised that he uses the Fulcrum to target the rebels?
  15. Did I Just Read This Right?

    this kind of case makes you think that the government needs to issue parenting license :\
  16. way to go captain! <S>
  17. Beijing, China.

    so... I'm back from Beijing.. got to arrange the photos from my camera here is a little taste due to public request :) had a great time, got to meet heck of people in the group (it was an organized trip, for young guys.. 25-40) most of the time we spent in Beijing but we visited the surroundings of Beijing and also went to Tianjin (a 2-2.5 hour drive).
  18. This footage was broadcast on a Friday night evening news on Israel's Channel 2...don't remember how many years ago great video demonstrating the surprise of the war thanks for sharing!

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