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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Happy Birthday to....

    happy bday!
  2. Very true...

    the question now is which one are you? haha
  3. Do You Even Liberty Bro? Not Safe for Kids

    liberty comes with a big bang!!
  4. got in the paper

    ROFL Damn hippies!#! this stuff is gold!!
  5. MiG Smuggling

    should have sent smaller parts haha

    Sierra Hotel!
  7. Chopper Pilot

    very cool rescue.. :)
  8. You Have To Read This

    one of the tuskegee airmen perished in a crash on his first run with the Mustang in Ramitelli he did a roll and lost control of the plane due to change of center of gravity (something to do with the fuel tank behind the pilot)
  9. Arming the Syrian Rebels

    they should let them kill each other and get it over with they did nothing for more than 2 years, why they think they need to do something now? idiots..
  10. Coming out of the civilian closet

    Good luck man, hope you get into a good place and enjoy it stay safe <S>
  11. You Have To Read This

    very interesting read and real amazing numbers! about the bomber crews, I saw a show about a Lancaster crew that made it all the way to 29 combat mission without a hitch on their 30th and last mission they were shut down by FW-190 or BF-109.. as for the numbers of the war, another show I heard the death toll and other numbers of the war and I couldn't believe my ears about 76+ million dead.. that's unthinkable!! to the brave men and women who fought evil or helped in any way in defeating it! Cheers
  12. Happy Birthday................

    Happy birthday T ;)
  13. EZLEAD!

    Happy birthday!
  14. yep... but only for trainings, for operational reasons the IAF cannot keep them on the ground
  15. Yeah, was a small shock to see it on the news today.. not the first Sufa that crashed, hopefully the last!! luckily the pilots ejected and were picked up ASAP and the video of the rescue, released by the IDF Spokesperson's office the article mentions that the IDF's chief of staff was near the scene and asked to accompany the rescue the F-16s and F-15s now grounded due the engine failure that caused the crash
  16. Asiatic 777 crash in San Fran.

    sad for the girls perished in the crash.. lucky enough no more fatalities I guess we'll find out more when the NTSB will finish their investigation and publish the findings..
  17. Its only a game!

    I read about it.. I thought it was a bad joke, but guess I was wrong.. damn!
  18. Drillsergeant says:

    hahaha some one was lazy cleaning the helos.. :)
  19. Happy 4th July Yanks :)

    Happy Independence day guys!
  20. Post random things thread

  21. LM released the video of the F-35 arriving to Eglin AFB
  22. Polish F-16s

    if they the whine about the Vipers, who said they wouldn't have whined with other aircrafts bought by the Polish AF? MigBuster said the most right thing about the subject, the US makes the best combat jets with proven battle experience.. none like the others with all due respect to the other a\c manufacturers about the Hitler thing, people are dumb... nothing to worry about unless the try to revive his ideas!
  23. More PAK-FA footage

    thanks, too bad I don't know russian myself ^_^
  24. Jet Thunder - back from the dead...................

    I forgot about this one... in today's combat sim world I think it would be hard to beat ED and the Lock-On series anyways good luck to them

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