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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Indian Navy P-8I First Pic

    congrats to the new member of the navy
  2. So 21 Dec 2012 Arrived and......

    so someone made a promise and it didn't come true... it's not the end of the world you know ;)
  3. You just can't get enough of ass !

  4. very nice!! btw, your air force unies looks like ours :)
  5. Battle of the Bulge this day in history

    just saw the last few minutes of a documentary about the battle.. Patton was a militant genius! <S>
  6. Post random things thread

    B52, we have a similar joke to that pic haha (hope I'll translate it properly) this young paratrooper comes to his father to tell him about his first jump father: "how was it?" paratrooper: "when we got to the LZ the instructor told to me to jump" father: "did you?" paratrooper: "I told him I was scared to jump, then he told me: "if you don't jump I'll f**k you up your ass"" father: "and did you jump?" paratrooper: "just a little bit at first" lol
  7. yeah, on the news they said it was probably an inside job... hope they'll get caught!
  8. nice video, liked the F-16 tail painting.. but a bit weird song for me lol, just some of it made sense (to me at least..) Cheers
  9. Virtual airshow VFAT2012

    thanks for the info!
  10. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    it's a shame this thing happened in the first place.. those DJ's should get their asses kicked real hard.. and Roger is right, the nurse should have thought it through..
  11. Remember, this Holiday season :)

    Happy holidays!
  12. very cool, thanks for sharing Jonathan!
  13. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    it's the UN's fault for not doing anything about this a**hole.. just focusing on Israel and the situation here when he kills hundreds of people a day in Syria the world is standing by and letting it happen till sh*t will hit the fan, hope it won't come to that
  14. That time of the year again.

    damnnn lol
  15. Post random things thread

    Weapons of Mass distraction
  16. December Calendars Available

    looks awesome! thanks Fates
  17. Navy's X-47B

    robotic.. LOL sound weird.. good luck to the navy with the testing
  18. I didn't really understand the full story, but for a tiny mistake and with his background.. he got 18 months in prison? FTW? at least he is out and free to join his family! cheers to that!
  19. GoPro Cam F-18

    nice vid, think I saw it before.. thanks!
  20. Post random things thread

    a special tribute to THE King of Pop!
  21. Post random things thread

    just saw it in another forum and I had to share it hahaha
  22. Happy Birthday To......

    Happy birthday E.
  23. Post random things thread

    you will laugh your asses off
  24. Post random things thread


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