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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. War souvenir

    dangerous stuff.. no EOD teams checking fields that might have a great amount of explosives or anything?
  2. Just Heard

    Sad news... RIP.
  3. Off To NAS North Island On The 1st

    enjoy yourself, try to take it easy and good luck to the new squadron, may they live up to the name
  4. kim jung un

    Holding a GUN You're doing it WRONG!
  5. OT Cops Revenge

    hahaha :lol:
  6. I like the new look, looks proweful! about the JSF, you need to give it a chance and not dismiss the project based on opinions only time will tell whether it was right or wrong to build the F-35, you can't hold on to 50 years old aircrafts as great as they are I have confidence in the F-35, looks like a real bad A$ and a worthy inheritor to the F-16s and Harriers
  7. Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday!
  8. Happy Birthday To.....

    Happy birthday dude
  9. Capitaine Vengeur Birthday Today!

    Happy birthday cpatain
  10. Back Home

    welcome back
  11. as Dave said, it doesn't matter where they came from they died doing something they probably loved and honored which some of us can only wish we could do that's why they deserve our respect <S>
  12. In the The Scandinavian Front Office...

    bi*ch slap all the way
  13. Happy Birthday CrazyhorseB34

    Happy birthday...
  14. chinese new year

    Happy new year..
  15. Happy Birthday to

    Happy b-day man
  16. Birthdays time!

    Happy birthday guys... many happy returns
  17. Congrats to the Marines hope the a\c will live to the hype, I believe so
  18. For all you hard workers..who are fed up with your Boss

    HAHAHA so true but sometimes :lol:
  19. Good News From The Doc

    real good news...
  20. Happy Birthday To.....

    Happy birthday guys

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