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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Hey! It's S&E's Birthday!

    Happy birthday man!
  2. Voyager

    congrats to them :) what was the previous air tanker of the RAF? congrats to them :) what was the previous air tanker of the RAF?
  3. Happy birthday Silverbolt!

    Have a great one Yuri! this is the beginning hahaha :rofl:
  4. Achmed wants to join the Marines...

    I've seen the Jeff's show.. f**king hilarious :rofl:
  5. saw it on the news... damn!!! glad to hear no one got hurt saw it on the news... damn!!! glad to hear no one got hurt
  6. National Museum of the Air Force...

    where is the Musuem? maybe the next trip to the states i'll visit.. too bad they didn't get the shuttle!
  7. Birthdays Today!

    Happy birthday fellas, Cheers
  8. Iron Dome is doing a Great job.

    the blockade + air strikes against warehouses lower the count but it can always be lowered even more cause the blockade is not a 100% thing, air strike aren't conducted on a regular bases I saw an article on the news and it's doing a damn fantastic work, not 100% off course but still.. I don't remember hearing on a plan to create an anti-Katyusha system back in the 90's, the only counter rocket system in use in this region was the Patriot the Iron Dome program started during the last decade in response of the firing to the southern cities of Israel bordering the Gaza strip BTW, my big brother heard somewhere that in general the use of Iron Dome is more cost effective than letting the missile hit the ground cause the damage outgrow the cost per unit to launch.
  9. Happy Birthday Aleks

    Happy birthday
  10. A warning to Idiot's everywhere!

    I don't think idiots will see this as a warning
  11. Iron Dome is doing a Great job.

    The Iron Dome is effective against longer range rockets than the Kassam but can it can also shootdown mortars since their "flight time" to is much longer than a kassam
  12. 8 Years Ago Today

  13. Happy Birthday ekek

    מזל טוב :) Congrats man!
  14. it finally happens in Brazil

    for a second I thought you had good news (the headline was a bit off for me) sorry for the loss of lives, always sad hope it's the first and last time!!
  15. Honestly, I have no idea why I'm posting this...

    and you are here writing about it instead of going over to your aunt and help her with her job?
  16. Lost A330 finally found?

    finally peace for those who perished in the crash and to their families... <S>
  17. A-10 Crash

    I checked who's the maker of the ACES II and I saw somewhere it was Martin Baker... my bad
  18. Guess who's birthday it is?

    Happy birthday!
  19. B-1's In The Fight!

  20. A-10 Crash

    good to hear the pilot ejected safely another Martin Baker Fan

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