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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. 234 Years Ago

    Happy 4th of July to all the american memebers of CA and to all of the freedom fighters across the world
  2. Interesing Planes

    very cool pictures there... a few of the aircrafts although a bit weird are familiar ;)
  3. A day of two battles

  4. Now that's airline advertising!

    what are they advertising again? daaaaaaaaaannnng!
  5. India's C-130J-30s

    great news for India... I wonder when our AF will buy a few of these fine aircrafts
  6. A pic taken from ISS

  7. R.I.P. Little Girl

    cruel world... RIP!
  8. Happy Father's Day

    gave my father my car for tonight without knowing it's father's day... Happy father's day to all the dads here, you too Dave
  9. Happy Birthday Stary

    Happy birthday
  10. A great soldier has gone

  11. My First Combat Flght Simulator

    use to fly the Logitec F-22 Lightning II at a friends house the first thing i ever remember :)
  12. Back to the world

    nice to have you back... <S>
  13. Nice pair........

    awesome pics! :)
  14. North Korea 1 X 0 Brazil

    that's just sad
  15. Another BP Spill

  16. And now, it's........

    Happy b-day Eric
  17. Happy Birthday Erikgen!

    Happy birthday
  18. Living in a Democracy

    the same guys that yell "baby killers" wouldn't mind blowing themselves in a bus or a train with women and children you gotta love edemocracy :\
  19. Three Years Ago Today

    time passes by so fast... <S>
  20. Irony.......Is this it?

    more Justice than Irony..:yes:
  21. Iphone 4

    i'm not sure if i'll be able to upgrade my 2G to OS4... but i'd like to get the new iPhone when i'm released from the Army (giving back my army issued phone..)
  22. My New Vehicle

    very hot.. nice

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