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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Happy Birthday whiteknight06604

    Happy bday! have a great one :)
  2. Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

    you wanna know the real Irony... when a disaster strike no matter where, Israel also respond to render help.. even to Iran that is considered our enemy the sad thing is, i'm not sure who will help us if we ever need help (really hope not!) from almost 24 years on this planet all I know that the Arab nations are mostly talks and no real honorable actions like helping in Haiti
  3. Tragedy in Haiti

    the IDF is sending people from the Home Front Command, people that have equipment and knowledge to render assistance in these kind of situations... in the Turkey disaster years ago, they save a little girl after spending 6 days under the wreckage of the home she stayed in!

    I saw the movie with my best friends and i thought it was nice but it's not the best movie ever at least not for me while we're on the movie subject, I also saw "Sherlock Holmes" the same week, great movie!
  5. first time encountering this weapon... but it's abilities aren't new at all it's a nice new platform, looks much lighter than the XM-29 OICW
  6. Hey, DWCace....

    Happy birthday dude
  7. Happy Birthday Porterjr

    Happy birthday

    Happy new year guys
  9. And today is.....

    Happy birthday, have a great one
  10. It's Crusader's Birthday!

    Happy b-day man, congrats!
  11. New Years Plans?

    probably a party with my best friends
  12. Another Birthday...

    Mazal Tov:)
  13. Happy Birthday Say What!?

    Happy borthday man!! have a good one
  14. Happy Birthday, Erwin!

    Happy birthday
  15. Lucky this went like it did

    yeah... could have been a lot worse..
  16. Place your Christmas greetings here!

    Merry XMAS everyone..
  17. Brittany Murphy died, aged 32

    one of the guys in the office told me about her death.. sad news..
  18. video of a flight i made years ago.. just saw it in one of my backups
  19. Happy Birthday Bongodriver!

    happy birthday man! have a good one
  20. Back Home

    where in the middle east? hope everything will be okay in the home front..
  21. How not to rescue a person - SAR4 version

    same as the thread title -version "How not to rescue a person - SAR4" thanks
  22. Happy Hanukkah

    Happy Hanukkah guys... and happy holidays to come
  23. F-35 Production to be Cut

    that sounds "smart" they cut the F-22 numbers and now the F-35 soon enough you will have 2.5 pilots in the entire USAF\USMC\USN forces cause you won't be needing more

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